I am amazonian

Aug 07, 2009 20:52

Ok dudes. I just braved about 20 spiders. They were all on my new desk. Which I'm slightly less stoked about than I was before.

To fill in the gaps, only one spider was a live, the rest were dead carcasses and cocoons, but I don't wanna hear it! The one spider I killed was approximately the size of a dime and black and uuuugly. I shudder to recall.

So I'm wiping all the dust and spider corpse-i from this excellently free roll-top desk, the one that me + 3 carried a block to keep, and I see the underside of the roll-top desk. It's definitely being held together with duct tape. And I wouldn't mind it, but for the fact the tape gets caught on the tracks and makes it very hard to close. So I'm kinda bummed. But I wanna brave it and try to fix it. The planks were kinda falling apart, but we'll see how handy I feel.

This feels like it was a taste of the new house... I'm ready to brave more spider carcasses, rodent feces, and ugly walls. Then I'll be ready for the motherfucking amazon. Or at least, Mills.

PS I'm so excited about Mills. I'm even excited about orientation week. I'm going to be setting up AV equipment at some events, which means I get to spy all over the freshmeat before anyone else. Muahaha. I can't wait to see if any of them are intriguing. Of course some will be. I guess I'm just excited to see who.

My mom stopped by AV this morning to drop off her old cell phone, and she also brought me some homemade apple stru-... something. Apple something. It's got crumbles. Do you know what I mean? I haven't eaten it yet, but I'm about to. I also had a good conversation with her for almost 45 minutes while I swept the front driveway free of dead pine needles. They're bitchy-- all stuck in the poured concrete and stuff. I consider my work to be round one.. I will need to lather, rinse, and repeat before Jim returns to AV Manor.

It feels really good to be getting lost in work. Boy is it exhausting, though. I'm hoping I'm at least slightly sore tomorrow from all this work. I know I'll be tired. Tomorrow means more errands and housework-- and then TOBI AND COCKBLOCK WOOOOO. I get to rawk household-chores muscle-soreness as well as over 10 bite-mark bruises. I'm tickled.

Time to go watch The Secretary. After I shower off the deadness of all the dead arachnids. Blech.
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