Jan 13, 2005 15:38
ok .. so.. i keep having this dream about me and sarah after nicole, john and i got into the accident. i have it at least once a week.. so.. for some reason sarah's driving my car, and its a really snowy night. its not really night yet, its that time when its light and dark at the same time. and we're going down my road, going slow, and we hit ice or something. the car starts to spin out of control and we go over the edge of the road and down a huge hill. i scream that im sorry and then i wake up.. so i donno what the end of it is. why i say sorry to her.
another weird dream that i had last night was that we were at camp. the we is me, johnny, and moose. and the house that we live in is at camp. my windows were open while i was sleeping one night and all these things kept coming in my window. i saw a huge ass spider crawling on my wall.. like.. it was bigger than jesus... lol. and then i remember waking up from my dream and turning on the light to see that there wasnt a spider on my wall. blahh.. i hate spiders
i also had that really weird dream about dave thurz chasing me through the woods with the snow plow again. that one fucking scares me. i run so hard in my dream that i wake myself up because im breathing so hard, and i always wake up at the same part in my dream. im stuck between two trees as he comes speeding at me, and it doesnt look like hes gonna stop.. i just wanna finish my dreams.. so then i know whats goin on.