(no subject)

Apr 27, 2005 11:18

It's been quite the emotional week. I know that I've been saying that I really don't want to leave here, but I think that it's time. I'm going to miss my girls like crazy and all of my other friends here, but it's time to go home...I really could not have asked for more with my friends this year. I know that they're not here at Central right now, but I truly miss Nina and Holly. I got a lot of great advice from both of those girls last semester and I'm so excited to see them this summer. This isn't my "good-bye" entry but right now it's time to say what's on my mind and in my heart...

*~TrAcE~* You're right, I never thought when you were tutoring me in math that I would ever live with you. I was a little skeptic about knowing the person that you're going to room with, but it was so great. I felt since we shared a room together, you saw me at my weakest moments. I think that I can officially call you my sister now!!! Wow...finally, a sibling..LOL. I will always be there for you no matter what and I hope that you never forget that. Don't worry about the tissues or the medicine. It was the least that I could do since you're always there for me at all hours of the night. Here are some of MY highlights ;)...#5 The good luck charm at the casino(what were we thinking that last time?!)...#4 PoLooooo...#3 The crazy lil' leap that you did into your bed that I tried to copy and failed at horribly!...#2 The wig picture. Come on, laugh, it's funny!...#1 The one that tops it all off...THE FROGS!!! We've definitely had a year of umm...dying fish. But the frog escape was just TOO funny to forget about!

*~MaNdA~* What a year of ups and downs...highs and lows. The girls with the broken hearts. But college is all about finding yourself and that's what point we're at. I'm really going to miss having you girls to talk to. I know that everyone is just a phone call away, but it just won't be the same. I feel like I've lived with you long enough to know what you're feeling even when others fail to see it and I'm pretty sure that you know what I'm talking about(last night). I hope that you find all of the answers that you're looking for. Just keep your head up and I will always be here for you if you ever need anything. Oh! DON'T FORGET TO COME TO PTL!!! It's the place to be..LOL.

*~MeGgSkI~* Stop reading this first of all...it takes the fun out of everything...THANKS! ;) So...when I first met you, I thought that you were some quiet girl...boy, was I WRONG!!! LOL. And if you look at this journal entry one more time, I'm gonna back-hand ya! Anyway...some nights I don't know what I'd do without you. I think the most memorable nights will be to Meijers at 3 a.m. and all of those nights that you couldn't resist to just cuddle with me! I know ya wanted to! When you moved in, I never thought that I would know so much about Kellogs like I do now..lol. Thanks for the cereal lessons. They will stay with me forever! I'm sad that you're leaving to attend GVSU, but now I have two reasons to come and visit. Please don't forget about us!!!

*~ShAnNoN~* What a year it has been. I don't think that I've ever cried as much in my entire life compared to this year. When we got our room assignments, I never would've imagined that we would live so close. Although there was a lot of miscommunication this year, I'm still going to be here for you always and forever. And I'm pretty sure that you'll know where to find me next fall. LOL...and if you're too lazy to walk and find me, then I cannot help ya there... ;) I'm glad that I could assist you in the drunken nights and make your bed for ya! I know that you didn't always accept my decisions, not everyone did, but I need to follow my heart. (I'll explain at the end) But keep your head up! Don't stress so much...it's okay to make mistakes. Not everyone or everything is perfect.

*~KaTiE~* MY FUTURE ROOMIE! I'm so excited to live with you next fall. I will always be here for you, day or night. I'm pretty sure that it will be a great year. I've definitely had a lot of fun times with you this year and I'm so excited to be taking in a new "sister". However, there is one qualification that goes with living with me. You must be able to tell me when my alarm is going off and I cannot hear it in the morning. Thanks Megan and Trace. I might've missed class this morning! ;) LOL. Don't stress out over the summer. I know that you probably will, but I don't want a psycho roomie in the fall. :) Always keep a smile on your face and I promise that you will find Prince Charming!

Since February, things have been tough for me. But I've done a lot of thinking and although I may not make the choices that you girls think is right...all I can do is follow what I believe is right in my heart. I honestly don't think that I could get hurt anymore because my heart is still broken. I've had a lot of scares this year with many things and most of you should know what I'm talking about, but everyone stayed by my side and I'm so thankful that I have great girls like you to share these times and memories with. I'm looking forward to another great year, but I hope with a lot less drama...lol. I'm not sure if I could handle another year of it. Keep in touch and I will miss you guys so much! Thanks for EVERYTHING!!!
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