May 09, 2004 10:59
I have fallen into for a bit of subterfuge; I believe that an acquaintance or two have been conspiring to draw me into a certain political situation at work. I never could have imagined when I was in middle school that one day I would grow up and adults would continue to gossip, cheat, lie, and castigate. I had always assumed that we would grow out of it, but instead we have become more adept in the art. Poppycock I say!!!
I spent Saturday in two polar opposite endeavors; in the morning I helped ACT (America Come Together) and register voters. There are around one million people in Florida alone who are not registered to vote, to me this is a travesty. I even refrained form pushing forward my political agenda because it is important to me to have everyone voting, I can corrupt them later with my liberal socialist plan. If you are reading this and are not registered to vote, GO NOW and get registered.
My late afternoon was spent attending the Lightning game, it was amusing and as always, the people around me provided me endless entertainment when the game was not in play. One rather disturbing image was this man with a child who was hurling verbal insults at the players while his poor child cried and wailed in protest. I don’t think I would use that much fowl language in front of a child, but that is my view and I suppose I must respect his right to teach his child to curse at the age of five. There was also a large contingent of Philadelphia fans, who caused quite a few tense moments that might have led to violence had not the security acted. If Europe has taught us anything, it is that Alcohol, Sports, and opposing sides do not mix well.