juzt finished my duty in rscc well its kind of an orphanage where abandoned,neglegted,orphaned children are surrendered their ages range from newborns up to preschoolers
they privide home life,medical and social welfare services to children
as well as education and psychiatric services (specially to those who were sexually abused)
i feel lucky when i see these kids...i now i cant put to words or even understand what these children really feel because i was not abandoned and neglected, just trying to imagine that scenario is enough to leave me teary eyed..
we were assinged to chose one child to be our client for the whole rotation and i was assinged to a boy named kurt...
he is 4 years and he has developmental delay as well as ADHD
it was hard to keep up with his energy level, he was always al over the place
i feel bad for him bec they said that it would be hard for someone to adopt him.. well unless someone voluntarily wants too or he may just grow alone...
hay well that just life i guess
i hope i could see him again someday when hes older
walalng curious lang