Today sucked

Jul 15, 2006 21:38

As Mom and I were backing out of the parking lot in front of Michael's craft store in Carmel Mtn. Ranch, some chick in an SUV didn't look behind as she was backing out and slammed into my Mom's car as Mom was halfway in the intersection already.

Mom and I saw it coming. She stopped her car. She honked her horn frantically as we both sat and watched in horror as this lady accelerated and backed into her car.

Her SUV has a small scratch. The trunk of Mom's car is slightly pushed in, the bumper has a big dent, and the tail lights were crushed in. It's very difficult to close Mom's trunk now.

And since our bodies were turned, the impact pushed us up against our seat belts in a not so comfortable manner. My neck hurts now, as does my back.

I've been in car accidents before, the last one being my rear end collision in 1999 when a semi ran into the rear end of my Celica on the I-15S and Mercy Road exit. It crushed three of my cervical vertabrae and it took me three weeks before I was able to walk normal again. Ever since then I've been paranoid about hurting my neck, and sure enough, today it aggrivated that old injury.

After my Mom and this other lady exchanged insurance information and we got into Mom's car, that's when I started to freak out. I just started crying, something I don't usually do.

Sigh. I think I'm going to go to the gym now and soak in the jacuzzi for a bit.


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