na-na-na-na-na-na Batman

Sep 01, 2004 20:38

First there was this story:
A 6-foot-tall, 275-pound bearded man crashed a children's birthday party in Oak Forest, identified himself as "vengeance," then helped himself to a piece of cake, police said.

The incident occurred earlier this month at a home in the 14800 block of South Landings Lane in the south suburb, Deputy Police Chief Nick Sparacino said.

When the owner of the home asked the man who he was, the intruder replied, "I am vengeance. I am the knight. I am Batman." Then the man went into the kitchen, cut a piece of birthday cake, took it into the living room and ate it.

After continued questioning by the homeowner, the man left the house and drove off in a red 1988 Cadillac.
... Then there's Neil Gaiman's comments:
...I don't find myself wondering the obvious things (how do they know he's 275 lbs, wouldn't Batman be more likely to hunt down cake-stealers than to help himself to cake, etc etc etc). I don't even wonder about the "continued questioning by the homeowner" (probably questions like "how much do you weigh?" and "so what happened to the Batmobile then?"). No, I just keep wondering whether the mysterious stranger said, as reported, "I am the knight" or whether he actually said "I am the night". Bet it was the latter.

neil gaiman, batman

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