Love is weird...

Jun 23, 2009 21:53

AHH, this is probably my first rant on LJ. Here, I'm just sharin' what I think x.x It's such a heavy word.
Feel free to critisize me or put up your own opinion. :] I'm putting this here to make myself feel a bit better, and hopfully it'll make you guys feel more uplifted, or at least more open about the idea of what love is....

I've been feeling really down lately, and of course, I'm not the only one. So this is for all you guys out there who have some troubling or bothersome stuff going on. I've been seeing alot of broken hearts latley. x.x It's not cool. :[ But it happens, that's how life rolls. -_- Haaa, I don't know, all I have to say is: Love is a strange thing...and it's very complicated. It feels frikkin' amazing to know you have someone there for you, but at the same time it can be the hardest thing to deal with. >.o I don't think any of us knows what love is, until you find that one person, then, as my mom put it, "it'll hit you like a brick." That...still doesn't click to me. oo I think it's upsetting, to see all these people (i'm not saying everyone), especially ones my age, go to out with someone, saying "oh,oh! I love him/her sooo much!! She/he's my whole world" and weeks later, it's all, "Uh, I'm bored with you, kthnxbai." That or either some big foul-up caused some upset in the two., and then they trash all the memories they had together with that person. I can't do that...oo :[ I'm weird, Once i say I love someone, (which I probably shouldn't have done. ><) I won't let go of that matter how jacked up the realationship is getting..... Because if you love someone, you'll put up with all the shit they give you and you'll be by their side..even if they don't know you're there...and even if they don't care...right?... 

I personally think love isn't something that we should be screwing around with...>> I may seem like a hard-ass for saying this, I know.
 I can understand people going out for the fun or excitement of it, but...I'd actually want my relationship to last. : / If it were to end, it's not going to be me that lets go first...Love isn't some game to me. If I say 'I love you', I'm going to stick to it, no matter what, until the other leaves me, then I can probably let go. >> I don't know, maybe I am a bit too clingy??

I did find this saying I liked, "Don't make someone your everything, because once they're gone, you'll have nothing..."
I can tell you by's very true.  > We can just hope it'll pay off in the end, and that the wait was totally worth it. :]]]

There's probably sooooo much more to love than this...I'm too young to be talkin' like this anywaay.  I just had to let it out. : /

~~~~~~Oh!Oh!! The most important thing of allllll!~~~~~~

"Friends are the best medicine for a broken heart. " :]]

Hahah, I love you guys sooo much! Too bad they don't have LJs. XDD I'd seriously like to let them know how much I apperciate them for being there for me, It really did help! I'd be dead without them.

~~~Tiffany, Michelle, Kyra, Michael, Andrew, Asha!! You guys totally roooock! <333

So if anyone got some problems, I'm sure you guys know who to talk to. :P
...pfft, this is actually a no-brainer. everyone knows who to talk to when you're feeling down, but I just had to say it because...It's just they're so amazing!! :] (shut up i know I'm weird lol )

...and a certain someone still has my heart and i miss him.

real life, love

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