Mar 31, 2006 19:42
DRUNKA DRUNKA!! thats the sound.. that a poddle makes. drunka drunka. yeah.. its funny, if you only knew. well let me tell the story. jack calls me poodle. cuz of my sn, oodlethepoodle24. are you with me so far? great. one night jack was drunk, which he refers to as being "drunka drunka", and was talking to me online. he called me poddle instead of poodle.. so now when im drinking he refers to me as poddle. and apparently drunk poddles say drunka drunka. so thats what sound a poddle makes. i guess its not that funny. but it is to me. so anyways.. the point of the story is im getting drunka drunka tonight with julie and lex. it will be fun.
lets see.. i woke up at 8:32 for class.. yes i set my alarm for 8:32. dont hate. class was ok, zach gave us time to do our labs that are due next week so that was cool. he also pronounced kindergarten as "kinnygarden" so.. that was funny. i chuckled a little.
after class julie and i went with jessica to look at her room cuz she lives in french.. im so excited to have a bathroom next year. and french is getting all new furniture next year so that will be nice.
then we went to breakfast. i love breakfast here.
then i took a nap.. from 10:30 until 3. yes, it was wonderful.
i talked to my dad and he is working on getting me a car. i guess i am leasing one, a new focus most likely. im pretty happy, i miss my pretty little car.
soo then jack picked us up and we went to get the goods for this evening, then got dinner. and now we're watching romeo and juliet. i love this movie. tybalt gives me the creeps. he's creepy. anyways. yeah.
"when he shall die, take him and cut him out in little stars and he will make the face of heaven so fine that all the world will be in love with night and pay no worship to the garish sun"