Dec 11, 2010 22:32
Nov 30 - Bible study with my small group, studying Galatians 2. I asked a lot of jumbled questions about what was meant by the "Law," Hebrews 10:14 and Romans 7.
Dec 1 - Didn't feel well. Went straight to bed after returning from work.
Dec 2 - Watched the full Metropolis. Great stuff! I found myself smiling a lot at the new Josaphat scenes and couldn't help but cry out with an "ahhhh!" when the Slim Man began to preach. So glad I got this DVD.
Dec 3 - Bible study with my community group, studying the end of John 4. We met at the co-leader's house (my first time there). We had pizza and were graced by the presence of three of the four families' babies, in addition to two guests from out-of-town.
Dec 4 - Christmas shopping. Dish dryer/washer at the Christmas tea. Gingerbread house building party in NE. At the party, gingerbread row-houses were made, much sugar and cider was consumed, football was viewed, games played, and theology discussed. Very fun!
Dec 5 - Spent the morning and afternoon with a friend from China. We went to church, walked around Eastern Market, and visited the construction project that he is working on. It was the first time my friend ever attended church, so I think it was quite an experience for him! I remember how it felt to attend church in a foreign country - singing the hymns was fun, but the message was long and a blur of un-comprehension.
Dec 6 - Caught up on email Monday evening.
Dec 7 - Bible study with my small group, studying what it means to live "in line with the gospel (Galatians 2:14)." The Lord has a lot of work to do - but we're works in progress :)
Dec 8 - Watched Metropolis again.
Dec 9 - Had salad and frozen yogurt with a co-worker for dinner. Spent some time in prayer. Did some online Christmas shopping.
Dec 10 - After work, met up with a co-worker and her friend to see the Christmas lights at the Zoo. It was a fun time - we shared a bucket of popcorn and got our photo taken with a person in a panda costume :3
Dec 11 - Christmas wrapping and gift delivery. Attended my first wedding. It was beautiful and Christ-centered. I nearly cried as we sang "Great is the Lord" when the bride walked down the aisle. In my mind, I saw her - the Church - walking forward to meet her Husband. After the service, I lent a hand to help clean the sanctuary. Then, picked up my bus ticket to return home for Christmas. Also bought some books (Spanish Made Simple, Every Woman in the Bible, and a small NLT Bible).
bible study,