The last rush....

Dec 02, 2003 22:13

It's that last dash before finals....It is so hard to believe it too! Next week is my last week of classes before the Christmas break! Thats the last day I will have my Greek Lit class tho ;_; I am sad...I will miss that professor soooo much!!

But I am too caught up in my work to feel upset - I have to keep myself going at a constant pace because if I slack off, I am gone! I have a project and a bunch of finals to study for before the end O.o; not to mention my drawing class work! bah!

I am working on coding for a new art page on visions, but since the file manager is not working at the moment...yeah..I am stuck. But soon, I will have a nice and neat artwork page ^_^ Cause my old one is cruddy and outdated. Not that I can draw good or anything now ^_~ teehee

I got an idea to do a story series from the perspective of the boat that carries souls to the underworld in Greek and Chinese mythology - like a series of views from passengers as they sail from one world to another and how they feel as they go. I would use all my characters from Akitsugu to Star'ton even...just to explore that dimension. (In my reading of the Aeneid, I got that idea^^).

Well, thats all my big news I suppose. But what has my MIND been up to? Getting images from Master and Commander!! It has been driving me all week! I finally learned how to get screenshots from my computer but the movie is in THEATRES and not on DVD for;_; *droops head*
Dr Maturin makes me wanna be a biology major all over again ^_____________^ If only they still needed naturalists...;_;
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