The question: Joy or Sorrow; God: our comforter, our Father

Apr 23, 2008 16:48

I've been struggling with a question:
Should I, as a Christian, be filled with a heart of grateful joy or of loving sorrow?

I have every reason to be overflowing with rejoicing, with praise, and with song! The Lord has redeemed me - He Himself redeemed me. And He is working to purify me that I might become glorious and beautiful in every way. He clothes me with robes of righteousness and cleans the farthest corners of my heart. He has been merciful to me and remains merciful as my gentle shepherd and my loving God. I look around me, I see so many still in bondage. There are so many who are so dear to me that still are hounded by fear and gripped with discouragement. My heart fails me. Our Lord wept over Jerusalem when He drew near, for He longed to care for them and protect them, but they rejected Him. After watching the hockey game last night, I longed to rejoice with the winners, but I also wept with the losers. Which is right to do?

I decided to go to Scripture and search for an answer.
I found hundreds of Psalms of praise, joy, and singing. I also found Moses and Daniel and the priests interceding for the people through prayer. Is that one aspect of being a "royal priesthood"? That while we are adopted by the King, crowned with mercy and joy, we also act as priests ministering to God on the behalf of the people? I am not sure. Does anyone have insight on this? I would surely be encouraged to learn from you, dear friends.

Through all my wondering and wrestling, I found these verses:

"'I, even I, am He who comforts you...'" -Isaiah 51:12
Throughout the Bible, it says that God will comfort His people. Somehow, it didn't strike me so clearly as when it was reinforced this way. YHWH, YHWH Himself, will be the one to comfort Megan. Thank God for His awesome love, with which He loves even me!! :)

"Doubtless You are our Father...You, O LORD, are our Father" -Isaiah 63:16
The last time I was struggling in prayer for many weeks, the only answer I received was one of two small words: "My daughter." That is more profound that anything I could imagine. Yet, I have barely begun to understand this. I want to grow in my relationship with my Father.

"may [He] incline our hearts to Himself..." -1 Kings 8:58
This is one of my favorite verses. It keeps coming back to me, no matter what it is that I am meditating on! I need to put it on my lj info page if it isn't already there someplace.

christian, questions, isaiah

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