Tell me it's all right.

Jul 25, 2007 14:20

Last night I had a really great heart-to-heart chat with my great grand big Kelly. She let me know that the first summer after pledging seems to be the hardest because all of your friends at home don't understand it and unfortunately some people do get jealous. What I don't understand is why someone has to make such a big deal out of it. I mean, it is not like I am going to forget all my friends from home because I pledge a sorority. It does not make me any better than them. It also has not really changed me in such a way that you make it out to be. This is what I have a hard time accepting, is if you were really such a great friend to me, then why can't you be happy for me? I almost can not stand you for making me feel as if I should have never accepted my bid and pledged. You are not such a great friend for making me feel this way and for making me feel that I have to carry our friendship or it will fall apart. I do not care at this point, you can continue to lie to me, only talk to me because you do not know how to handle situations and then rub things in my face that you do and the people you get to see. I honestly do not feel obligated to spend your birthday with you.
I'm greatly looking foward to next weekend, August 4th. It's Kadypalooza =) aka AEPhi goes to New Paltz and takes over Murphy's. My whole line is attending, with the exception of Megan who has yet to respond, boo.
I officially hate home and do not understand what I missed so much about it in the fall semester. I also hate my days off, I would much rather just work everyday because I have nothing to do on my off days besides rant none-sense in my LJ which I neglect for 3/4 of the year.
At least there will be some quality time spent with my New Paltz lovers at Weirs tonight!
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