Video games! (Part 2)

Aug 03, 2010 17:59

To recap, here are the questions:

  1. What got you into gaming?
  2. Are you a casual gamer?
  3. What draws you to a game, and what compels you to keep playing?
  4. Which consoles do you use?
  5. Which genres of games do you play?
  6. Which genres do you have trouble playing?
  7. Which are you favourite games?
  8. Do you watch LPs?
  9. Any last thoughts?
4. Which consoles do you use?

The Gamecube, the Wii, and the DS. I think the reason I have only Nintendo consoles is because I grew up around people who had Gameboys. That influenced me early on, but only slightly, because most of their games were Pokemon, which I hate. Also, the first console game I liked was SSBM, on the Gamecube. My Gamecube led to getting the Wii. Getting a DS was probably influenced by my affinity for Nintendo products, but it happened independently from the previous consoles.

DS LOVE ♥♥♥! It's my favourite. After that, I think I like my Gamecube over my Wii, just because it seems like there are better Gamecube games.

5. Which genres of games do you play?

On my own, I love playing Adventure and Puzzle games (Hotel Dusk, Ace Attorney, Professor Layton), and I'm not adverse to Action Adventure/Hack-and-Slash (Okami, Zelda), depending on the game. With friends, it's whatever floats their boat. I am, however, rather bad at racing games, and I will try to bow out of FPS games. Fighting games are fine.

6. Which genres do you have trouble playing?

RPGs (excluding Action RPGs), be they JRPGs or WRPGs, MMOs, MUDs, whatever... bore me immensely. The first I'd ever encountered was Pokemon, which was, and still is, really dull. The only RPGs that I've been interested in are Strategy RPGs, like Fire Emblem. Which is not to say they are bad, not at all. They're just not for me.

As for the other genres, I don't think I have much of an interest in them. As I've mentioned, I suck at FPS and racing games. I hate Horror games. Tinkering around with some sim games like Zoo Tycoon or The Sims is fun for a little bit, but after a while I don't really feel like playing anymore.

7. Which are your favourite games?

On the Wii, it's definitely Okami. Hands down. On my DS, it's Hotel Dusk, Spirit Tracks, and PWAA for a three-way tie. (But really, I love almost all my DS games.) On the Gamecube, it's... probably PoR?

8. Do you watch LPs?

Yep! I think they're a great way of checking out games that you don't have or can't play. If a game is interesting enough, I'll probably stop watching and go play it myself.

9. Any last thoughts?

GHOST TRICK! IF IT WERE ANY MORE AWESOME, AND THE UNIVERSE WOULD EXPLODE! I must have this game! I'm almost positive that it will make it a four-way tie for my favourite DS games.

And Cing... :( I'm really sorry about what happened to you guys, but please please import Last Window to North America. I beg you.

(EDIT: How did it ever take me this long to catch that mistake?)

zelda, ace attorney, hotel dusk, video games, fire emblem, ghost trick, okami

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