Level up... a month or so.

Jul 02, 2014 02:23

The diet intensity is really levelling up, but it's worth it.

I have very little joint pain, now. It's amazing! Seriously... I have had times I could barely make it down the hallway, because of pain.

I started the Autoimmune Paleo Protocol nearly a month ago. It's really difficult. But it's working and worth it. Even the old pain I had from where my gallbladder was is almost gone. And the gastritis is healing, finally. It's been years...  and I was told it would get better and that I should get used to it. Well...

Baby steps, still. I actually have not gotten even halfway through the book. It's intense, even with a science background.

I've joined a group on Facebook that is really helping me understand how to do this. It seems superficially simple, and is simple - albeit difficult, if you just start with the food list dos and don'ts... but there are layers and depth to the extent of involvement, and one has to really keep on it for several months before reintroducing foods. It's not an easy thing, but it works very well for some.

I'm meeting people with Lupus, RA, Diabetes, Myesthesia Gravis, with Crohn's or Fibromyalgia or MS, who are in remission. Serious diseases, all. Life threatening... Some have been in remission for four years or more.

Going without tomatoes is hard. No peppers. No potatoes. No chilis. No wheat nor corn nor soy. Giving up paprika was hard. So was giving up green bell peppers and jalapenos. But I am getting to the point where I don't miss them so much anymore.

I'm trying to learn fermentation.

I bought the gelatin today, which is made from bone and not hooves, from grass fed beef. It's supposed to be a huge part of the protocol. I'm making bone broth, or stock. I just bought some plantains. I have a recipe for Nomato Sauce to go on my spaghetti squash that I plan to try soon. I have liver. I have sardines. I'm doing pretty well.

I did loose a bit more weight, but not much. I've not been active. I ran out of D-Mannose and it took awhile to get more, ordering it. I ended up with a heck of a UTI. I'm finally getting better, a bit, but slowly. It's been a humdinger. On the other hand, I actually ran a fever for the first time in years. Probably shows that my immune system is actually starting to work normally, a bit?

There's a bunch of information about histamine cascades that is being sorted. I found that MSM is one thing that helps. I used to take a lot of it because it helped my stomach pain. Now I know why. It's nice learning why these things work.

There's still an awful lot to learn. Baby steps. Hopefully I'll start losing more weight again, soon,, too. I am down a few and holding steady and not bloating with water weight 10+ lbs every other day or two, which is a huge improvement. And, yes, I do eat salt. Himalayan. It's pink and pretty, too.

Ronnie's still doing swing shifts. It's difficult sometimes but we adapt. He's building a new computer. Finally gave away enough of them to make room for a new one. Keeps him off the streets... ;)
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