Mar 23, 2014 12:16
Off kilter with the schedule.
The B12 is definitely changing the mouth burning! I'm glad I bought the spray. I hope that it adds to my energy. I know it is supposed to.
Pain has been difficult to deal with. I have been avoiding vicodin for several days. I took a whole one just a bit ago because I need to shower and do some gardening and dishes and cooking and I need to move around.
Back on the B complex, again, too. And the electrolytes and probiotics.
Goal for this week is being positive. I am going to try to do the week without any complaints. I hope I can. I never used to complain. I need to go back to being able to do that.
Beautiful day outside.
Got two notes from Leila.
Need to find my kindle. Having Lily here was nice but we don't do things much.
Need to find tax bill today, too.