Some random week things

Jul 19, 2009 09:36

Hi everyone 8DD

Ah, tô com preguiça de escrever em ingles ¬¬'

Então... essa semana foi bem agitada 8DDD mentira.

First of all, this was my vacation week 8D, what means that I passed slept during all the mornings, except for the friday 'cause I had an important commitment and had to wake up early.
Yes, I DO LOVE TO SLEEP 8DDD, It's so good and relaxing <3

So, on wednesday was the release of  Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince film on the cinema. I tried to watch it on the midnight session between the tuesday to wednesday, but when I went there to buy the tickets, the woman said "I'm sorry, this session room is already jammed". DDDD8
"And so is the next one" , and as she looked on the computer screen she said, finally "Why don't you chose the 9o'clock session =)" and I understood "there's nothing else remaining DDD8"
So, in the purpose to not go alone I invited a friend of mine to go with me. He does not like Harry Potter so much, but he agreed to go with me, anyway 8D.

When I arrived there (one hour late XD), in the shopping, the line was HUUUUGELY LONG (to make sure you understand how long it was xD) and both we were OMG D8 - like XD, but my friend found someone he knew, or so I thought, and we.... "furamos fila" XDDDD

The cinema room was COMPLETELY JAMMED. People were walking and talking a lot until the movie started and the "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" followed its starting XD.

I found the movie to be very funny. It kinda became a comedy. But a lot of things were missing and a lot was bad explained and, yet, some was "WTF it does not exist o_ó". I'm not intended to talk about the movie itself and I don't want to give any spoiler, so that's all about HP XD.


I'm now wanting to go watch "Ice age 3" on the 3-D cinema 8D, but i'm not sure if it'll happen anymore. Today's my last day on vacation and as my brother has a test to do this afternoon..... and it's sunday, the official "day of laziness" .... XDDDDD
And finally I get to the most important topic 8D
Of course I won't have stupid SENAI tomorrow *thanks god*, but tomorrow my classes at university begins and I'm very excited and anxious about it. I must had gone to Catolica this week, but I was too lazy to do so D: and, in the end, I did NOTHING and went NOWHERE y_y
But anyway 8DDDD, everything begins tomorrow <3 My new life will have its new path illuminated by a new shiny and warmth light, a light that, I know, won't be warmth and gentle and safe forever. I know it will get darker sometimes and too much brilihant sometimes, I know it must illuminates a wrong path.. but guess what: I AM PREPARED FOR ALL OF THAT.


So, this' what I wanted to tell ^^

XD, I ended up writing in english *stupid*


university, harry potter, catolica starts tomorrow, life, random, comofas

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