Nov 08, 2007 19:08
meh. today has been an average day. i didn't have any lessons this morning, so mum let me stay at home, on account of the fact that i was going to have to stay 'til 17:30 because my sister is a geek and takes italian after school as an extra subject, so i got a nice lie-in! i had a very productive morning and watched the jeremy kyle show (british chat show with a very outspoken host), which just depressed me, so i switched over and watched the american import the montel williams show. it made me cry, actually - he was reuniting long-lost high school sweethearts - yes, i really am an old romantic at heart! there's many things i dislike about the usa, mainly political matters and also its rather atypical culture in places, but i do wish i'd been able to go to an american high school! they seem like so much fun. or maybe it's just the repressed, single-sex, roman catholic convent educated girl coming out in me! seriously, it'll actually be the biggest miracle ever if i manage to do any work for the first year of university - i think i may find the male species far too overwhelming!
so, yeah, then i went to school. i had double italian - it was okay. we spent the two hours today reading one of our very sad pieces of literature called volevo i pantaloni ("i would like trousers"), by lara cardella, and it was so heartbreaking. it's about a sicilian girl who's abused by her uncle as a small child. her parents know but never really do anything about it - there's very much a mentalità paesana in southern italy at that time, where family honour is regarded above all else; and, as a consequence, "shameful" things are hidden away. so when annetta is caught sitting on a park bench with a boy (a forbidden activity in the conservative south of the country) she is sent to live with her aunt and uncle because her parents can't deal with her "crime", even though they know that her uncle has abused her in the past, and will probably do so again if she goes back. it's really, really, really sad because she's trying to deal with the fact that her parents would rather put her dignity and well-being in danger so as to guard their honour. so, yeah, not the brightest subject matter to be reading about!
went to see some friends of my parents' tonight - i didn't wanna stay at school. it was nice to see them - my brother and their daughter had so much fun playing in this box that had previously held the eggle guitar (i don't have a clue what one of those is and what makes it different from a regular guitar!) that they'd bought today - and it meant that i didn't have to stay in the common room on my own until my sister came out of italian.
my dad's gone to birmingham tonight for a business meal, so that means that his loving wife is going to go and collect him from hotel at midnight so that he doesn't have to stay overnight and miss a day of work tomorrow. birmingham's about an hour from here, but my mum wants to go to her twin sister's house first and watch some really sad documentary (they like depressing things like that!) with her, so we're pretty much home alone tonight. i guess it doesn't really make much difference to me, as i normally stay in my room, anyway, but it would still be nice for my parents to be home at least occasionally. they're out so much at the moment and it's so irritating. i, obviously, can't go out when they're out because i can't drive on my own yet, and then when they are in they want me in with them so that we can have "family time" because they complain that they haven't had any time with us for ages, and that it's really selfish of us to want to go out when we've hardly seem them. i mean, they're going to st. james' palace (prince charles used to live there before he married diana, camilla? one of the two, anyway...) next week because the charity (BEN) that my dad's company supports is having a fundraising evening and some random princess (Alexandria) is their patron. so, once again, we're being left at home. ugh. oh well, there's not a lot i can do about it, really.
in happier news, i'm seeing my best friend in december! woop! the weekend of 14th december, to be precise - friday night 'til sunday afternoon - it's gonna be ace! i won't have seen her for over three months. i miss her so much. and that's the day i finish school, too, so i know i'm gonna be unbearably hyper. lol, talking of school... i'm a shepherd in the nativity - HOW COOL IS THAT?! i'm blatently gonna be bringing the sexy tea towel headdress look right back into fashion... :p it seems that angels are the part of choice for my class, so i wasn't going to inflame the world war that has already broken out between them about who's going to be gabriel by insisting that i join the winged brigade. a shepherd suits me fine, thanks. so that'll be a giggle. it'll actually be a miracle if i manage to keep a straight face! i have to sit on the altar-y thingy in church for almost the entire carol concert - with all the audience looking at me... and i giggle easily at the best of times!
okaaaay, i think i've bored you enough with my life for one evening!
i hope you're all well (and not too cold, for my fellow northern hemisphere'ers! i'm sitting in pyjama bottoms and a massive man's grey hoodie with totes socks on writing this... bloody freezing!)
muchos love!
books: volevo i pantaloni,
geeky sister,
st. james' palace,
place: birmingham,
carol concert,