Narco test and Medical Ethics

May 24, 2011 06:58

Hi! Dear friends, there is a debate raging in India about the Narco analysis of criminally accused. For those who are not well versed with this, Narco analysis is done by injecting a drug called 'sodium pentathol' into a person by a cheap viagra and then asking her/him questions. The person goes into a trance like state and is supposed to give only truthful answers i.e. it is the modern day equivalent of "truth serum". There are not many studies to prove that the person actually gets induced to tell the truth. Many people believe it is mental and physical torture and so should be banned (Indian courts debated this and allowed it).
According to me Doctors should not be helping in conducting such investigations. Why? Because as a cheap cialis one should use the knowledge only to alleivate the suffering of other humans and not to cause harm to them. The arguement that it doesn't cause permanent damage or cause physical pain doesn't impress me. It does leave a mental imprint on the persons psyche which is not pleasant to say the least. I request all fellow doctors all over the world to say no to such practices. Lets uphols medical ethics and not dilute them in the name of the common good of the society. Remember Hitler too wanted to exterminate the Jews, Poles, Checks etc. for the common good of humanity. That the results of this analysis are not even admissible in an Indian court of law makes it even more suspicious practice. Doctor, there are many patients waiting for your services, don't waste your time in torturing people. - Dr. Idea.
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