(no subject)

Feb 03, 2004 02:47

So........... Yes I am still up and for no particular reason. I am very happy though because I had a very good weekend. Although instead of going through it I'm just going to direct you to blando. Friday and Saturday I did all the things that are stated there. Really enjoyed hanging out with Dennis, Dana and everyone just chillin with lots of story telling. Always fun when people that don't know all the old stories are around too, you get to tell them again without everyone having heard it a million times.

The other reaosn I'm in a particularly good mood is because I was a little freaked out about a midterm I had today but I smoked it!!!! Which is such a relief because I did a ton of studying for it the night before and its worth 30% of my mark in the class.

Needless to say with Dal having friday off due to "Munro Day" and me being very happy with the way my midterm went I'm already ready for some partying. Yes I know its only monday.....well now tuesday but like I said no school on friday.

Well we've beening hitting the bars I prefer lately including Maxwell's Plum, the Seahorse and recently the Village Idiot. There are more bars I like but those are the most recently frequented by myself and everyone I'm hanging out with. However the girls are itching to do some dancing and having abstained for the dance bars for a long time (minus a little while ago when Alan and I met people in pitchmans and left after like 30 minutes if that) I am completely willing to go. Plus the newly single Tim needs to get his mack on with the ladies and I think its more his scene to do that in a place like pitchmans then the other bars we have been frequenting. So anyway... the tentative plan for thursday is that we will go to the Crow and end up at Pitchmans. I encourage all who are up for going to come because in order for me to enjoy the dance bars I need as many friends around as possible. Plus alcohol is cheap in both places on thursday I think.

If your getting tired of reading such rubbish you can stop now. I know its getting kinda long.

I am starting to realize how much closer its getting to february break and therefore me going to Las Vegas. I'm really looking forward too it. Although I think my only salvation will be that my cousin (who lives there and I'm staying with) probably won't be able to get the entire week off and therefore I won't spend the entire week wasted. Although its possible a friend I made in german class is going there for break too and in that case I may very well be spending much of the week up and about sin city a lot of the time drunk. I don't even get home until 1am of what will technically be the monday morning I start classes again. So we'll see what state I'm in when I get to class. That is if I make it to class. Either way its cool that I'll have my cousin who can show me around and when he's at work he said that I can just drop him off at work and use his car. So I'll have a car to use with having to pay rediculously high car rental charges. Obviously if I have the car I won't be getting wasted. Anyway this rambling should probably end now.

ps - the drink i keep describing with the inclusion of beer, vodka and lemonade concentrate i have found out is actually called "skip and go naked" what i was calling wasn't even close but it got the point across. i'm thinking i'm going to round up Tim and blando on thursday before we go out to try our luck at this drink. you up for it Bland???

and everybody please comment, doesn't even have to be about my post just something random. my lj is getting rather lonely (commentless).
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