mythology class is gon be pretty cool. i know taht for a final i think we write our own myth. i plan on making it some kinda elemental story. that way it can focus on some kind of themed group, possibly even a creation myth. and probably circle around your's truly. i dont know what else we'll have for papers. probably a report on the whale rider cuz we're sposta read that. which is gonna suck, plus i never bought it. maybe we can do an in depth analysis of a choice myth, i myself would of course pick the inferno. i inquired with my teacher about another story along those lines, which followed the devil, but she cant remember the name. she seemed pretty happy to hear i studied the inferno. an ideal assignment would be to write a paper on a specific character that you related most to. i'd have to pick the angel samael, the devil. (speaking of the name, barb said, who's a catholic jew, that samael is where the term "sam hell" comes from.) regarding his greed for power, his failure, and eternal resentment of those who have what he wants, that has me pinned. a charismatic leader who took a third of god's angels from right under his nose is hardly a bad role model either. denise told me pride is a sin. and told me there's something wrong with being a proud. i called believing in myself nobel, and she said i was pridefully and that's wrong. what in the fuck are they teaching these people? is happiness a sin too? confidence? fulfillment, gratification, glory? i should have asked the pope earlier..
oh yeah. i met the pope.