i wrote this to jack reed

Dec 15, 2007 17:53

Dear Senator Reed,
I met with you previous to the Iraq war, with the MoveOn.org group opposing the war. At that time, I got the impression you felt it was impossible to stop the war before it happened. I appreciated your position. You were in the minority in congress, and the war drum was beating very loudly at the time.
Fast forward to December 2007. Our country is in the darkest days it has ever seen. I mean that quite seriously. The Civil War, World War 2, and the Cold War all put us in jeopardy and our country persevered, but we now have the dismantling of our country from within.

I am desperately asking you to please lead a fight for the impeachment or censure of both President Bush and Vice president Cheney, not only for misleading our country into a disastrous war, but also for destroying our bill of rights and democracy.

When I think of what is happening in this day and age: debates on whether waterboarding is torture or not, debates on whether the global warming is real, debates on whether the war in Iraq is making progress, debates on whether Iran is a real threat... these questions have clear, factual answers, yet somehow the Republican president and his staff have so wildly skewed the public and congress that we are debating what is self evident.

I'm asking for you, Senator Reed, to demonstrate unheard of leadership and courage and fight for accountability of this administration. I'm asking for you to demand the immediate closing of our secret C.I.A. prisons. I'm asking for you to help reinstate Habeas Corpus. I'm asking for criminal prosecution of Alberto Gonsales. I'm asking for full disclosure on when Bush knew about the NIE report on Iran. I'm asking a lot.

These times demand heroes. Senator Reed, please be that hero.
Jef Saunders
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