
May 03, 2007 08:50

So yeah wooooo! its that time again kiddies^_^ *ahem* so yeah ren fair was realy fun, cept we got rained on :(,, but i got to hold a ferret!! and it licked my nose. I sword fought some random dude too. Then we all hung out and watched Narnia (edmunds a punk). Oh yeah that same night got a call saying cousins were in town and stayin with us a few nights..so i was like wha...when...cool oughta be fun. Cept for the next morniing...ugh woke up with the worst headache and a killer sore throat..but this boy dragged his sorry butt into work anyway! (to hich they realy appreciated, haha brownie points baby!^_^) But yeah was sickly till just a couple days ago, didn't stop me from tryin to intertain ma cousins; we went shooting and movie going and talked bout music, might even go with em on a cruise sometime! wooo! Lets see they left and i did the sickly work combo for a while, then saw my fave ninja!^_^ we looked around borders, ate yummy mexican (couldn't enjoy though cuz my friggin throat>:o) and saw scary movie 4 (better than 3 but 1&2 still win). Then next day my head was killing me again and throat was not being kind, so i saids f***k it and went to the doc to test for strep...guess what it was...a freakin ulsor the size of a dime in the back of my throat! no wonder it hurt @_@. But yeah days past i feel better, oh oh went to see Bench Warmers with jacob te other day .. freakin awesome totaly buying when it comes out. And thats all i got for ya...oh wait my brother comes home tonight (whom i haven't seen in bout a year) for 2 weeks!! wooo!! Hokay now THATS all i got for ya. Later ppl!^_^

bro commin home!

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