July, 2009: first hardsuit tourney

Jun 29, 2009 23:05

A letter to Captain Alex, one of my first contacts in the SCA. I decided to try hardsuit, and do it before I turned 50. I made it by just a few months.

Captain, I have a story to share with you.

To the tournament last night, my first.

I didn't get the time to finish my coat of plates (josh's pattern) so I wore the scale vest again. Someone has offered to buy the scale vest off me, but there's no price can be put on it. Just won't part with it.

I used a loaner helm, (Baron Robert's old one) and a loaner gambeson (Dmitri's old one) and the new shield that my daughter Ames the artist finished for me. (pics on myspace of the shield in action.)

I've told everyone within hearing distance a few times that my new SCA name should be "denny's- always open", or "Phoenix Suns- no defense", or that I need work on....well, you know that part that comes between when you put on the armor and when you take it off? That part. That's where I need work.  ;-)  So I didn't have any real hopes in the tournament. Maybe a few blocks.

Dame Dementia (my Lost Tribes Mom) came along, I picked her up and we went over to the Denny's for a pre-FP 'household meeting' with Josh and his crew. I've told him I may camp with him at Highlands, but this viking has no real home or household, and won't be sweet-talked into anything by Josh. Good meal, good conversation. Well, good verbal chess, anyway.

Dementia had asked me in texts if I had the same problem with Otto's ashes that Nova has. (Her hubby Otto, my SCA dad passed away three years ago) I told her no, but I couldn't be counted on to wear a necklace for long, too claustophobic. That was fine, she said.

After court, she presented me with a really nice leather favor. "Ottosson" at the top, "Honor Before Victory" at the bottom, both in runes. In the middle, a small vial. ;-)  She had told me the story of what she thought Otto really wanted, to have his ashes scattered on the battlefield at Estrella in the fashion done with the mine dirt in "The Shawshank Redemption." She also told me, that even though a bit illegal, this vial would be to his liking as well.

As we prepared for the first round, I was standing next to Sir Irvin and Dmitri. Dmitri asked me directly "who's is that?", in regards to the favor on my right hip. I told him it was from Dementia. He asked again, No, who is that?" I told him the story of Otto's ashes, and that if by chance Dmitri and I faced off, before he finished me off, I would be honored if he gave me a good wallop on the right hip, and my intent. Sir Irvin's eyes raised a bit, and Dmitri smiled and said that in fact he would.  He stood by me for a moment, and practiced a swing that would reach for him. (An odd feeling, watching a white belt practice for a good hit to you, especially after wearing a bruise from him for 10 days after an earlier go.)

When my name came up in the first round- across from Colum- before we prepared to battle, he went over to Ciara, and I went over to Dementia. I know how to act only from what I've seen on the field from a familiar family fighter of ours. I walked up in front of her, knelt down before her and lowered my head. When she kissed the top of my helm, I heard someone (His Grace Sir Jonathan?) say, "Now that's the best of the night, right there."

Shortly after, three swings or so, Colum had finished me off.

In the second round, I drew Sir Irvin.

To my absolute surprise, I blocked his first three shots. I was so surprised that I hadn't died that I vapor locked and didn't know what to do! He took out my legs with a good shot to my right hip (a bit low), and shortly after beheaded me.

I waited, still in armor, for a chance to get in a bye round, but didn't.

(shot of Bobby, Josh's wife, doing the "my hero" pose.)

When the last round came down to the three white belts- all with one loss each- I went up and changed back into garb while they conferred with Baron Robert on how the final round would go. Probably. Who knows.

Coming back down to court, Colum, Dmitri, Irvin, Robert seperately congratulated me (me? Why in hell me?) on a good tourney. I thanked them, and went back over the two rounds I fought in and could see no reason.

Then, at court, sitting by Josh, I asked him who won the hardsuit tournament. "Who cares?" was the response. (I look forward to getting good enough to stand toe-to-toe with a few people in the SCA in particular, you can guess who's top on that list.)   ;-)

When the hardsuit tournament winner was about to be announced, the three (Gods, Captain, I still can't believe this) white belts stood, and asked for a moment in the court. They, in turn, said they were *inspired* by a fighter's *honor*, and *chivalry* shown in the tournament, and with the Baron's permission, said they requested to withdraw from the tournament, and make him the winner.

Wow, that lucky bas--

And when His Grace said my name...... I swear the world went sideways.

So here I sit, still shaking my head, six feet away from a round shield adorned with a rainbow and the words "Honor Before Victory" that I thought I'd never carry, still thinking I fell asleep in Court, and at some point Josh is going to wet-willie me awake.

So, that's my story, Captain.
When I write, fiction is usually easier and more fun to write. But not this time.

All my love,
 Yngvarr Ottosson

captain alex honor before victory tourna

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