mmm boyfriend mmm

Sep 22, 2009 03:35

Your result for The REAL Reason You Want A Boyfriend Test -- WITH PICS!!...

You Want Your Soulmate!

The real reason you want a boyfriend is to have a soulmate who you can share and experience all the world has to offer with! Chances are you love travelling, seeing the world, or if you haven't had time for that, you love exploring the place where you live and little boutique shoppes or non-chain restaurants. By living up these tinier joys of life, you really feel you can appreciate and understand the world.

Right now, you're channeling all this exploration into your friends, and spending a lot of time with them. However, you're looking for the perfect person who's spontaneous, up for adventure, and sincerely looking to find quality in our hectic world. That means once you catch your man, he will be just the quality of guy you're looking for.


The main problem here is that the guy you're looking for hasn't yet decided he wants to find love. Most of these guys will be with their friends, finding trouble or fun in the strangest places, instead of out looking for you! Also, they live their life by moving around and seeking out thrills, which means they aren't looking for someone to buy a house with and start having kids with right now.

They want someone flexible, optimistic, and high energy - with a pension for curiousity. The plus side is once they do settle down, they'll convert all this energy into being the best possible father, and will have a level head when it comes to living life. Your ideal mate will be found at last.


Continue to live your life without Mr. Soulmate! He's out there living his, not moping around crying about being single, and one day, when the time's right, you'll either meet out exploring the world or during a casual run in. From there, your body energies will sense something stable and different about each other, and the love and connection will be unstoppable! A match made in heaven for sure. A soulmate.

Good luck and congrats!

Please RATE the quiz if you liked it and the pictures!!!!


39% wants a cuddle buddy.

38% just wants sexxx!

46% wants to fulfill a checklist.

47% wants arm candy.

37% wants to find your best friend.

Take The REAL Reason You Want A Boyfriend Test -- WITH PICS!!
at HelloQuizzy
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