Jul 29, 2009 15:01
Is this what I have to look forward to?
"This may count as TMI, but the Danish are very clean, and now so are we. The Bellahøj aquatics facility is absoultely gorgeous, with ultra pristine water (that's a perfect 78 degrees!). How pristine? Glad you asked. They don't require JUST a silly little shower before you get into the pool. No. In each shower room, there is a life size diagram of a human body with large red circles around the the body parts that must be scrubbed with soap before entering the pool. And yes, the nether regions are circled. (As are pits and feet.) You're thinking, 'Big deal. No one showers before getting in the pool. Pool here I come!' They have a nether region scrubbing official in the shower who watches everyone to make sure everyone has stripped naked and, just to humiliate you that much further, watches said body scrubbing. It wasn't just the guys, ladies - the women have their own nether region cleaning police as well. And they make you shower after every bathroom use! So, needless to say, TNYA has never been cleaner!" -- E-mailed from a friend in Team New York Aquatics