Jan 01, 2006 12:15
Ah the new year. Time to look back on the year and bitch.Not really I think i had more good moments this year then bad ones. so good last year. Last night after i got off of work i opened my bottle of jack and started the night. drank til brandon got off. came home paid my dad adn took off for fireworks. stoped at the bell to fill up the coke for jack got fireworks came back refilled then came back home. set fireworks off in the water and just blew shit up with brandon.I spent the last moments of 2005 where i think i spent most of the time in 2005 . in my truck smokign a cig.then finished watchign final fantasy unlimited and my bottle. up til about 2 woke up at ten just fine and went to teh bell to hung out with brandon at work for a bit adn blow stuff up in front of derek.and now tiem for video games. and maybe have someoen get me beer. peace