Those Speedbumps Are Too High..!

Aug 23, 2019 00:15

It's been an eventful week... But I'll start at the start and won't be able to cover it all in one post, due to having to simultaneously write one of my final Counselling course essays!

So, I had to attend a 'Speed Awareness' course this Monday, if it's called something else around the World, for driving too fast, not the drug.

I didn't even contest the offence, as I remember doing it, driving 37mph in a 30 and looking down at my speedometer when I spotted the camera and mentally uttering 'shit', odds are that is a ticket. And so it proved to be, I was driving Travis around for a car nap on a Sunday morning, which can be a frustrating affair and paying more attention to that than I should have been, ah well.

Not once did I begrudge the course, it was a tenner cheaper than getting 3 points on my licence (and after passing at my 10th attempt!) I don't intend to hand it back over. They might need poison darts to be fired into my neck and the licence prised from my cold, unconscious hand!

As it happened, it was very useful, the stuff about the extra distance it takes to stop, even if you are just 1mph over the limit has stuck in my mind and they even help me create handy action plans to avoid bother in future. I just need to not be late and to avoid having spontaneous journeys being sprung on me (in my unpredictable life), easier said than done.

It was FOUR HOURS long! I thought that would take forever but there was a guy called Mike, who was a trucker and utterly unrepentant. He constantly defended speeding, blaming cyclists, his partner and speedbumps among other things before suggesting "braking sharply" as a way of getting rid of tailgaters! Resulting in Stephen, one of the presenters threatening to chuck him out for being 'irritating'. I was kind of wishing that he would get thrown out, for the anecdote but instead he retreated, barely saying a word until he left the room.

So, I still have a clean driving licence and now, a bit more respect for the speed limits, the Police would be happy if they could read this.

travis, the dibble, learning to drive

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