I have thirty minutes while Toni completes a job application alongside me. Speed writing is something I do for a (freelance) living, so why can't I do that here?!
Speaking of blogging, my Counselling Course requires me to do SIX journal entries about various stuff around the course (it's quite interesting stuff, so hopefully I will post them here too.) They will be labelled clearly, in case you want to skip them!
In other positive news, I have currently done eight hours of real life Counselling out in the real world, which is crazy. I have already seen the positive effects it can have on people and it is a genuine buzz to me. Clarity of thought can really lead to major changes.
I know I have been pretty *coughs* really shit at updating, so thanks for sticking around, by the way and hello to the newbies!
Travis has been a bombshell as ever, he is already walking and saying small words, which is immense. Most of the time he is adorable and fun, the rest of the time, he is a contrary gobshite (who still won't SLEEP longer than 3 hours at a time, ARGHHH!) That aside, I love the wee man.
It is only over the past few months that I have realised what a powerful torture weapon sleep deprivation is..!
However, it's not all horror! I'm off to two gigs in the next three days, the music is quite a contrast, check these links out and tell me what you think:
Blood Command - 'Quitters Don't Smoke' -
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kbb9-JUCmP0 Haley Bonar - 'Kismet Kill' -
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VS2VcTFqckM If you are also on Last.FM, hit me up! -
https://www.last.fm/user/jeffthelion Weirdly, I've been quite surprised about how much 'Big Brother' (the TV show) ending has stuck with me, I know it's not a TV masterpiece, but I kind of wish I'd given it a go and have had a few daydreams about how I would have been on the show and in the last most-recent house in particular. I think when I was younger I didn't have the self-confidence needed to go on and now I am comfortable in my old bones, I've got too much stuff going on. I also think that if I left Toni alone to look after Travis for 9 weeks, I would come out to a Divorce..!
Also, the spin off show 'Big Brother's Bit on the Side' (or BBBOTS for short) is anarchic high camp genius. Rylan Clark-Neal is as quickwitted as his teeth are bright! As the tear-laden final episode showed, he loves what he is doing too.
Let's ask the question, shouldn't more TV be completely live, ply their guests with wine and allow members of the audience to scream whatever they want into a microphone?!
I digress... Generally speaking, despite our spawn trying his best to kill us, I really feel lucky and overjoyed that me and Toni seem to have somehow become a better team through this adversity, have learned to argue 'better' (particularly not letting things drag on) and I am not reacting as Toni gets really snappy in the middle of the night (sleep deprivation IS a killer!) Or it makes killers, to be more precise.
We also have learned that we know that we need to give the other one time to recharge in our wildly different ways, she needs time to herself, I need time to go out and socialise; she needs lie ins to function and I need the occasional large block of rest and can survive for longer on less sleep, it's about balance and without it, I feel we may have lost our minds or limbs, in an angry knife fight*
*Possibly an exaggeration but the phrasing amused me.