Jan 02, 2018 22:30
So, 2018 is the year of the woman, as it is 100 years since Woman got the vote, it will be an all women CBB, it's what Emily Davison fought for, when she threw herself under the King's horse for a vote!
For newbies here, Celebrity Big Brother in the UK is a (very) guilty pleasure of mine, here is a live blog along with the opening night, which is normally full of absolute nonsense!
Speaking of politics, it is former Tory MP, Ann Widdecombe. Emma says that she never expected to see this, she is not alone. During her career, she did not give a jot about upsetting anyone and given that she lives alone, she could end up exploding at other folks' behaviour. Researchers told her it was all about 'women's lib', she could end up sorely disappointed.
Channel 5 doesn't have a great deal of money, so if they can't afford a Kardashian, they'll get one of their mates. Some broad called Malika, never heard of her but she thinks that they have responsibilities as a 'role model', what a kook!
And a Daily Mail journalist, Rachel Johnson, so this couldn't get much more right wing. The station owner is a Tory donor, so it is bound to lean that way, sadly. They have a love in when they enter but Rachel is phobic of snoring and Ann endlessly makes horrible sealion-esque roars out of her nose nightly; that'll end well.
Ashley James is a lady who claims to be a 'social influencer' but I've bloody well never heard of her and can't recall much of what she uttered.
Getting a man in through the backdoor (joke!), it's Channel 5's former man, now a woman newsreader, India Willoughby. She seems a decent sort when she appeared on CBB's Bit on the Side, early contender as she is intelligent, not too bitchy and is known to the core audience.
Totally out of left field, it's Maggie Oliver, who broke the Rochdale Paedophile ring to the media and lost her job as a result, not expecting this type of contestant at all. She also seems to be a genuinely sound person but also vivacious, again she could go far.
Maggie then comes down the stairs and also admits to not knowing who Ashley is either, glorious!
Jess Impiazzi is another I have never heard of, she's a 'glamour model' and proud of it so that should get a few Feminist backs up. It's also a Big Brother rule that they always have one in the series but she loves her Mum and seems quite wise, compared to some of the buffoons they've had in during previous runs. Her eyes are also pretty scarily intense.
And the final guest they always big up to death..! Amanda Barrie aka Alma in Coronation Street, another show I don't watch. Apparently after being married, she is now gay and was in Carry On films, sounds like her life has taken a few twists and turns, so there should be a few interesting yarns for her to spin!
There are only 8 people in, so clearly they are going to flood the house with some 'sausages' a few weeks in but they aren't saying anything for now!
Doh! *update* - Men will arrive on Friday, according to Emma.
Now, it's a complete rip off of the Krypton Factor to decide who is immune from future nominations (for a bit), what happens if none of them suss it out on the live broadcast, who knows?! Amanda and Jess triumph and the Producers breathe a collective sigh of relief that it's over. Until they all discuss fake nails at length, cut to Emma, thank the Lord!
Here we go again..!
big brother,
celebrity nonces