So, besides popping off to New York, my birthday and getting slightly addicted to Game Of Thrones, there is yet another reason why I've not been able to read and write here as much as I'd like to, these 3 Simpsons related pictures, may give you a few clues..!:
I think most of you should be able to see what's going on here..! We did a public announcement on Facebook (which is how news is spread these days, it would appear!) For shits and giggles, we used these photos, most of these announcements are done in a pretty safe and formulaic way, what's the fun in that?! Originally, we planned to use the top and bottom one but our mate Ed created the middle Milhouse version then Whatsapped it us... and we HAD to use it!
As we've known for quite a while (and only a few select family and friends have too) it's quite refreshing to get off your chest, so to speak. People ask how I'm feeling and of course, I'm excited but it's doesn't need to sink in particularly, as I've known for months and we did a lot of talking before we even agreed to make one, long before nature's dance between stirring schlongbroom and fadgecauldron, which creates a newborn!
Most of the comments have been nice and supportive, some have enjoyed the way we've gone about presenting it but the there was the odd marginally unsettling one... About wondering when we'd 'get on' with it, like it's some kind of inevitability.That is NOT true; for a long time, we simply didn't want to but more to the point, some people can't conceive, some people's children befall bad luck and die along the way and some people just hate the little bleeders and don't want kids! All these groups deserve respect and you are offending them all by acting like you 'have' to have kids, which is utter bullshit.
Also out there are the people who 'look down' on folks who don't have kids, like you can't experience 'true love' without having one, again utter bullshit. You can love your partner, your friends, your family, your fucking cat, a chocolate bar even as much as a child... so don't talk down to folks for living their life the way they want; they'll think you're a condescending bellend for it!
So, if you ever hear me on here or in real life or anywhere else, saying you "simply MUST have kids!", give me a sharp kick in the groin, ok? Thank you!