I've had a nice day off today following the Superbowl and the associated drinking last night, which has been very refreshing, not to mention illuminating in more ways than one...
Firstly, that I discovered that I still do have boundaries of self-consciousness as me and Toni aka
thelma_viaduct have these pillows in the colours of our NFL teams, I have a Seattle seabird and she has a 49ers pillow which is a bear wearing a stetson. Carrying these both through the middle of Manchester and on the bus in broad daylight was a tad awkward!
Anyway, it was also illuminating in another sense as it gave me the chance to watch a couple of films; Toni has recently signed up to Netflix (to all you Statesiders, it's only just been launched over here!), so their collection in the UK is a little sparse. As she is a recently graduated Masters student in Documentary Film Production we chose to watch a documentary, David Icke: Live at the Oxford Student Union..! It's not even on IMDB so here's a link to him -
http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1079801/ Besides some of the filming quality issues about it, it was the equivalent of letting the drunk tramp in the park loose in Parliament!
He began with a clutch of decent points, society is being manipulated by the media into fearing the 'evil axis' in order to support war, that the many deaths in poor countries are being ignored in favour of 'soft' celebrity stories on TV News channels and that political parties in many countries are remarkably similar hence offering little choice.
What happens next was sadly a meltdown in logic and it turns into a mush of half-baked ideas with quotes from various sources with no sense of any context, it is, in short, an utter mess.
He maintains microchipping is the final destination of an inexorable path towards central control, yet ignores that the UK ID card system has fallen by the wayside.
Icke is irate and adamant about how the structure of the Freemasons is the same as the Illuminati, neglecting to mention that the 'pyramid' structure of it is the same as in any business or nursury school or even a book club. You can't run an organisation with ten bosses and one underling, it simply doesn't work.
He also claims that it just a matter of changing perception, that if we see something, it is in fact real, so if I 'see' that I am having a conversation about astrophysics with 2 giant bees floating in the corner of my bedroom right now, it is true!
This is the attempt to disguise the complete lack of evidence, which is the largest flaw in the argument, the fact that he talks for so long about The Matrix, which is an act of fiction but doesn't actually say how he knows what he knows about us being holograms.
The greatest irony is, that he rails against the Neo-conservatives, who were so prevalent in Bush's US Republican governments and their groundless theories that Saddam Hussain had an arsenal of nuclear weapons, while doing exactly the same with all his own arguments such as global warming being a con. Such a shame, by the end, we were laughing and I was annoyed too; that he began quoting the wit of the late genius Bill Hicks so much!
In fact, Icke's argumental cohesiveness was much less thought out than the film I saw in the afternoon, Journey 2: The Mysterious Island -
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1397514/ During which, the lost city of Atlantis, which is in ongoing cycle of flooding to the bottom of the ocean every 140 years, can be found by joining together the maps of 3 books written by 3 separate authors! Ummmmm, right!
At least seeing this film I can have an excuse, a post-Superbowl hangover cure/tradition of seeing something a bit ludicrous.
It was just so distinctly average, the cast was also so full of pretty people to try and compensate; The Rock and the best looking one from Sex and the City are the parents, Michael Caine plays the chirpy explorer geezer Grandpa and it's got Vanessa Hudgens from High School Musical with some fella who looks like he is in it too as the predictable teen love story plus a fat dude as the comic relief who is constantly getting covered in foul fluids!
It's like the film was created by committee to appeal to everyone, were the Iluminati behind it? By watching that, it would stop me and others having the time to watch the David Icke film and seeing the truth..! Possibly..!