Musings About Socialising...

Jan 25, 2009 17:17

As I laugh at Toni struggling valiantly to put her tights on..! Hehe!

Thinking about it, I've really enjoyed the last few weekends, it's been nice to go out to a few of the places we used to frequent loads while worrying less about whether my sociopath ex-housemate will be there.

To be honest, after the long period tending Toni's illnesses after Christmas, Satan's Hollow last Friday was a release and I got pretty drunk! Satan's cheap 'beer' smooths things along, it was also a relief to go to a rock night (don't get me wrong, I like indie and other nights, I just can't do them ALL the time.) It was ace and chat with to see Johnson, Sam, Luke, Matt Towns and Swinton Paul.

Last Saturday was good as well, I wasn't in the mood for getting really drunk, the Northern Quarter isn't without its' charms but I hate the places where the music is so loud that you need to shout to the person next to you and there's no room to sit down.

I don't understand how the 'cool thing' to be done is to go to places that are rammed to be 'seen', how pretentious and pathetic I think that is.

Anyway, there were loads of people out, I got a chance to speak to Gief on one of his trips back from Birmingham and Terri. Plus for a change and we went somewhere new! Tiger Lounge on a Saturday plays Bowie, stuff from the pre war and songs from Beetlejuice and they serve nice rum!

Although Vausey's decision to shout something in 'pretend Muslim' as we walked out of Janams' chippy on Portland Street was as funny as it was ill advised!

By contrast, this Friday at Star and Garter was largely 'same old'. Despite a hyperactive new Dj and free sweets, Vausey sat around waiting to pull and there's loads of noncey indie I've never heard of followed by some decent songs I have. Nikki Two seemed happy too with her new fella moving over from Australia!

Last night was great, well apart from the couple of bands I don't know who played, substandard grunge shite and a Whip rip off. The band I did know are excellent and you should all check them out: or:

Anyway, despite the sound being pretty crap, the gig was good. Everyone to do with the band (with the exception of my sociopath ex-housemate who thankfully didn't show) is ace and there was time to have proper chats with Giant Ben, Damian, Ross, Adam and Emma and see a bit of Cliff, Hannah, Cam, Kate and Hayley. This also showed that if sociopath is spreading her lies once again, they aren't being listened to. I bumped into one of my housemates from the first year of Uni too, ('K' as he was known) and Toni made a friend as well!

All things considered, I will miss everyone and Manchester if we do end up travelling but I'm pretty certain it'll still be here when we return!

vausey, satan's hollow when it was good, hilarious muslims!, blind atlas, rock, toni, friends

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