25 Random Things Meme...

Jan 21, 2009 01:07

Today (well technically yesterday now!) I was tagged here on Facebook:


by Veronika, who used to reside on here as sapentiaeultio but sadly doesn't want to return anymore!

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25* people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

1. I am probably far too comfortable with nudity.
2. In fact, I'm writing this thing nude with the laptop rested across my thighs.
3. I unashamedly sing along to songs on a regular basis.
4. My number one phobia is death.
5. I believe in an afterlife, I'm not sure quite how it'll work but organised religion really worries me and prevents me going to a Spiritualist church.
6. Having said that, I have contemplated starting my own religion as a career choice.
7. I like midgets.
8. I can happily talk to myself.
9. I'd love to have a radio talk show and get hundreds of complaints over what I might say about religion, people and celebrities.
10. I think most of the world's problems could be solved by having the right people as parents and the wrong people being prevented from having children, forever.
11. The thought of having children now absolutely terrifies me.
12. Every time I get on a plane, I believe I will die in a horrific fiery ball sometime before we land.
13. I've imagined what would happen if my testicles were made out of rubber.
14. I hope dragons exist.
15. I think those who offer no opinions on politics, religion and human nature to be the emptiest souls that have ever resided on this mortal plain.
16. If there is nothing on TV, I often choose what to watch based on what has the sexiest female in it.
17. I believe that white chocolate is far superior to milk or dark.
18. When hungover, I often crave meat!
19. I enjoy deliberately getting really drunk now and then. Sometimes it's accidental and sometimes I like just being merry but sometimes I just like to leave my head for a few hours.
20. The following bands are shit and I don't know why anyone likes them - The Strokes, The Pipettes, Kids in Glass Houses.
21. I regularly don't wish to kill people I dislike, I just hope they die in a horrible accident... in front of their loved ones.
22. I am happily in love.
23. I'm going to have an operation on my underarm to remove skin tags on Monday.
24. I believe in terrorism as an alternative if politicians don't do their job properly.
25. I was closer to Toni's Great Grandparents in their lifetimes than I was to my own actual grandparents; which I think reflects a little badly on how I was before they died.

*Since a lot of people don't post regularly on here anymore, I'm just going to tag the LJ friends (all 23 of you!) who still post vaguely regularly and/or I know in real life and who have ever posted in their LJ! Come on! Join in:

apexnemesis , becomesthedream , broken_contents , drunkendeadcat , iamloveless , jiggly_jules , katelass , lillipilli , littleleesh , littlezan , loopy_lorna , mojo_mojo , mycrayon4writin purplerainbow , razzmattazz , redpirk , rosie_not_rose , slender83 thelma_viaduct , tomkerswill, townsley_89 , urwen_sakurafu, volcanop .


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