(no subject)

Dec 12, 2008 21:50

on the way down the elevator, the glass recycling bag broke and some bottles fell out. but even before they fell out, the bag felt a little bit lighter. i knew something was off. but i was in no position to analyze the situation. carrying 4 bags. once it broke, i kicked the bottles that had fallen through out of the elevator. i then sat the broken bag down and carried on.

even as the bottles fell out, i continued to hit next song through my pants to get party shuffle to play the correct song. i guess it's not technically party shuffle. but to me all shuffle is party shuffle. not that it's a party. it's just a term. i don't know how much i care about this. but i carried the 3 unbroken bags out and then came back for the broken one. i was thinking that it would at least be easy to dump. i could simply shake the bottles out. but while holding the lid open with my left hand, shaking was become less controlled then i would have liked. i eventually dropped the whole bag in. pushed the lid off. grabbed the bag with both hands and shook more. the bottles did go through. it wasn't hard. it wasn't easy. but i did get a little trash on my hands i had to wash off once i got back up to the apartment. the song i found on the shuffle was very good. my favorite new song in fact. a lucky break. a good roll.

i recently found out what crap roll meant. or something. i can't remember exactly what the term meant. i was always vaugly aware that there was a gambling game called craps. or whatever. but i never put it together. and i didn't even do it on my own. i saw it in a movie or something.

i hate it when movies have gambling or drugs do someone in. just stupid and i don't care. yea yea, you ruined your whole life on this thing. whatever. cowboy up dead man.

pictures are a weird thing. just a picture. what should the photographer had done. gotten involved. saved the women. no one could save her. so why not take the picture. i'd like to see that picture. though i do have a thing for that kind of thing. i saw a broken leg on break.com that disturbed me somewhat. but i think i'm getting better at seeing broken legs. for some reason that's never visualized how a leg would look after a break. but, obviously that's how it looks. and a broken leg really isn't that bad. but for some reason it's worse to look at. i perhaps, just less enjoyable then some of the other fun injuries. the slip and fall is where it's at. i certainly don't mind the violence mind you. but to me it's all extentions of the simply slip and fall. i do love the build up though. the moment right before the guy decided to make the leap. that will change his life drastically. maybe from here on out. maybe just for a year or two. it matters. but it's all good. you could just have a hurt tail bone for all i care. i'll happily smile. and it's not their pain specifially that makes me happy. not that it isn't that. but it's the whole situation. it's the decision. or perhaps the friend who decided to kick the table at the last moment. or some dummy who just made a mistake and accidentally messed you up. so good.

i've been telling more and more people about how much i like these things. i've got some reactions that have made me question whether i aught to be so open about such things. i think i will though. perhaps it's just part of the fetish, but i like to talk about it. maybe it's just that it is that. my knowledge of the intentions that make me regret, if even slightly, telling people. the reactions really weren't all that bad. it was more just me i think. i don't know. i'm not sure. i don't even really remember.

i hope i do well in the soccer game tomorrow. and that i get there on time. i'm going to set my alarm early. mail a couple video games at the post office. get some coffee and then head off the the first 2 hours of a 5 hour soccer clinic. i need 3, but i only have time for 2 before my game. and even with that i'm cutting it close. there's a 1 hour meeting so 2 is all i need. if i hadn't forgeten to go last week, i would only need 1. and i wouldn't have had to cancle the line i had before my game. but what can you do.

after the clinic i'll go ref the game. i'm really looking forward to it. a little nervous, but not too much. and then i've got to do laundry at some point in the evening and then head on to work sunday morning. oh yeah, i need to get some quarters and cash a check also sunday morning. i think the banks will be open by 9. i'll have to check.

i've been a little off today. my thoughts haven't come to quick. i've been low on energy. and have perhaps gotten off a little too much on just being a little bit rude to people. which i really think people should be better sports at by the way. but that's fine. i understand. i may even be wrong.

death to jeffery
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