swamped, but not really in a bad way

Sep 03, 2009 11:46

Haven't done a whole lot off the project lists since the weekend. I did some quicken work to bring it all up to date. Got a letter saying that the credit card that I moved to a 0% card and was planning on closing in a month will be closed at the end of October because the credit card company will no longer be offering the rewards program. I burned a few more branded labels for alt.kilt. I also cleaned up the worktables in the garage again and went through a bit more of the scrap pile.

I have made a few purchases but most are very utilitarian. New socks (on clearance at REI), new welding gloves and jacket (on a back to school sale), leather sleeves for use and costuming, a coat for use and patterning my steampunk costume on, and a guide system for the bead roller.

Getting used to the glasses slowly, still find myself looking under them at times. Still holding mostly steady according to the Wii Fit, hopefully this weekend doesn't bump that up again.

Tonight is some anime again after a most of the summer hiatus. Then taking out the garbage and doing some setup on new equipment for pkstudios. Been riding the 250 to work all week (including a stop at CostCo), but I need to take the car tomorrow, bigger CostCo run, and picking up out of town friend after work that will be on the west side while his car and others in his party will be at our house.

This weekend is already booked mostly solid. Socializing tomorrow night, market and/or cleaning Saturday morning, house-filling guests Saturday noonish through Monday, Shindig on Sunday afternoon at the house. Not a whole lot off the list contents planning to get done, other than the recurring cleaning and maybe some extra cleaning. Bunch of stuff also cropping up at work that needs to get done before I am gone traveling the week of the 14th. Then doing remote support for European upgrades the week after. Which will then be time to get ready for the upcoming tradeshow.

Although now, time for lunch.

ETA: after lunch I got notification of an instant rebate deal at Home Depot, that combined with trading the above reward card points for a gift card means I could get a Lincoln Plasma Cutter for half price. New, not an iffy ebay sale. ~sigh~ The rebate is good through Sept 20th, but I would have to factor in shipping time for the gift card before purchase. The cutter is rated for good on 1/8" and can handle up to 1/4" material. That should be more than I need for most things, as it gets rather heavy past that. Darn consumerist leanings! (well at least when it comes to these things)

manleyhouse, pkstudios, projects, cleaning, work, 250

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