Distractions and food.

Dec 21, 2008 10:32

Gotten several things worked on these last few days. I spent much of the evening Friday and Saturday morning cleaning out and sorting through my closet. I still need to work on getting things back into the closet however.

In doing so I got sidetracked upon finding my old REALmagic remote and IR serial port adapter. This had me trying to get the various HTPC software working again. Got the IR working, got the sound working, still need to try out the SPDIF audio and the s-video out. Currently have MythTV, xbmc, and Boxee installed on the system with an ubuntu 8.10 (x86) base. Trying out Handbrake on the system right now to see how that integrates in (currently about 30fps (AMD XP3000+) compared to the 3fps on the G4-mini). At some point the guts will most likely be transplanted into the rackmount case in the entertainment center. It will have gigabit access to the NAS, and about 750GB of internal storage. Boxee doesn't have the Netflix streaming on the linux install yet, but it seems to work fine on the series3 Tivo after trying that last night.

Saturday afternoon alyska and I went over to the studio and moved the shelving unit that had been stranded due to the missing appliance dolly. Got it into position, and off of the now broken furniture dolly. We then went about doing some preliminary arrangements of the jewelry crafting area. By this time we were hungry, and Smoky Jons happened to be on the way home, and there wasn't much at home. I've been cleaning out the fridge in preparation for the upcoming weeks of vacation as I am intending to do a lot of cooking from scratch and eating "food" and as few "food like products" as possible. However, this means that I need to go grocery shopping soon. Most likely today or tomorrow, when it is about 0 degrees and windy out. I think I'll be making use of the drive up loading area, if they are acting as a windbreak.

I've got my list of the ingredients I need for the planned recipes for the first week, now I need to go through and take inventory of what (and how much) is already in the house so I can get the rest. Also need to go through the grocery sale flyer that came this morning and hope there is some overlap.

Last night we also enjoyed the hot tub in the gentle snow and lack of wind. It was nice. Still need to work on that whole, getting back to the house thing though.

food, pkstudios, hottub, cleaning, computers, garage

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