Hey, folks, suffering through another one of my typical pervasive can't-write fits. Normally I just pull the covers over my head and wait these out, but I've got deadlines to meet, including a self-imposed deadline on "…Starbuck Avenger", and I actually have to muscle through my block this time. And the only way I know of to do that is to start
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Comments 18
Eric is my favorite Animated Series D&D character. I grant he's one of my animated-series "types"-- the spoiled, whiny rich boy brat-- but he's actually heroic. In order to prove this, though, you have to _watch_ the series, and that's kind of tortuous. Doing so proves that while Eric does a heroic thing, it's generally undone by their "Master".
As for Twilight, trustingness in a horse is a major benefit and absolutely necessary for advanced and continuing cooperative tasks, and breaking trust is a major no-no, so that's weird.
I haven't actually seen the Ponies show. From the images you showed me, I think the expressions are a riot and my faves right out of the gate are the stunt fliers with their goggles. I like the themed ponies, not the individuals.
Did we figure out poor Sweets's identified-with pony?
And when I logged on to LJ tonight, this entry merged with another and loaded as subject header "OMG PONIESSkin Horse" because LJ melded this entry with an SH entry. I thought you and Shaenon had done a ponies feature, like a Sunday thing or somethin'.
Twilight Sparkle and Rarity make up convenient excuses (that are still lies), Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash tell a real whopper, but Applejack has an extremely hard time of it. She essentially doesn't lie, just omits a lot of facts, and even in that she struggles.
A stretch, I know, but we _are_ overanalyzing a cartoon already.
- I'm assuming it's intentional that a character named Twilight is responsible for the reunion of the Sun-pony and the Moon-pony, but I do wonder why this is all dropped after the first episode. I seem to remember the executive producer mentioning that Luna would be back in the first season. I wonder if the fact that she *wasn't* back has anything to do with the fact that said creator left the show.
- I thought the moral lessons at the end of episodes were pretty interesting. Not many shows would have a "The customer is not always right" moral.
- Also, have some major math over-analysis of Rainbow Dash's sonic rainbow save: http://i.imgur.com/2gg2w.jpg
Also... finally, someone found a decent use for one of the Cutie Mark Crusader episodes. *grin*
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