What can change the nature of a man?

Sep 19, 2010 12:02

I think I'm getting backlash from too much "Robot Unicorn Attack", because I'm starting to get lonely for games with, y'know, *writing*.

I mean, it's not like I don't enjoy pretending to be a super badass pixie-collecting stainless steel robot unicorn with a pretty pretty rainbow mane, but... iTunes slung me a selection from Mark Morgan's "Planescape: Torment" soundtrack, and I was all like, huh.

So... any suggestions? I see that in defiance of all probability, they seem to have adapted the first two "Monkey Island" games for the iPhone, of all things. LucasArts was generally a developer known for strong scripts -- how does the "Monkey Island" series rate?

Oh, and what can change the nature of a man?


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