Week 1, thoughts on the matter of topic and form

Feb 23, 2007 14:59

Relatively little progress this week: 4 entries at 100 Word Stories (missing one day for the holiday) and that's it, apart from some time spent staring at a blank page and a little more looking over the first chapter of Inheritance (the 2005 NaNoWriMo work) with an eye toward a possible revision and continuance.

The problem, of course, is that I don't know what I want to be writing as of yet, other than that I want do something in a decently long form and that the ultimate goal, down the line, is publication. So that probably means skipping over the short story/novella/novelette continuum and heading directly for novel-length, especially if I am (as is most likely the case) writing in the Fantasy genre.

One problem is that Fantasy generally means worldbuilding, which is something I'm not all that in the mood to do (in big chunks, that is. I've got a couple of worlds I'm slowing building up 100 words at a time over there, but none are really ready for prime time.) I did just unearth some old files; some notes toward an RPG setting I wrote more than a decade ago. It might be interesting to use that, at least as a starting point, although I don't at this point remember the setting well enough to recall if it's interesting enough to work out.

Next week, provided I don't have anything more interesting to talk about, I think I'll yammer a bit about politics (on an extremely abstract scale) and subgenre choices. Meanwhile, it's back to that blank page this weekend...
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