Dec 21, 2006 01:22
Well after some soul searching, eating half a gingerbread house, and giving it some serious thought... I'm going to officially end The Morning Show. This is just something I'm been putting off and putting off, calling it a short break, then a summer break, then just calling it a hiatus. So any hopes anyone out there that people were still holding on to, you can drop them.
I'd like to explain why after all this time I'm giving it up now. Well many of you know that the reason the "hiatus" started was due to the loss of my old computer but it wasn't all that long before I got this one. The other big factor was... Liam. Now he's still in high school and has all the commitments and stresses that go along with that, so I understand why he was having trouble getting his stuff together. But in the end I was always having to get on his case. I'd set a date to record, he wouldn't show, or he'd call a few seconds before we were suppose to get together and cancel, or he'd show so late we wouldn't have enough time to get anything done. And to tell you the truth I just couldn't play the "bad guy" any more. I didn't want to be the guy forcing him to give up his free time, I was sick of leaving angry answering machine messages, I was just sick to death of it. It really made me feel like I was a jerk and I didn't want to feel that way any more.
All this over the course of three god damn months.
By this time I had broke my ankle falling out of a tree, so I had more free time then I knew what to do with, I couldn't work due to the fact that you can't waiter if you can't walk. At first I couldn't go out because of the extreme pain I was in and the amount of pain killers I was on, the later because it was too dangerous to use crutches in the snow.
I was going crazy being locked up like that, I felt like this couch was a prison. I needed a creative outlet, so I tried one more time to get me and Liam recording again and it almost worked we managed to record half of an episode. We even called up Prof and got him to take part in a new segment. I thought this was finally it and I would be able to bring the show back... I was wrong.
Two more months past without Liam and I sitting down and recording.
By this time I had an idea for something new I could do with my web cam. "The Wiiport" It only involved me, my cam, and my Wii, so I got to work on it right away and within a few hours I posted it. And something happened. I got a bunch of good feed back. It felt great, at this point I was starting to think of doing another. It was the great old feeling again that I once got from The Morning Show, the feeling of making people laugh.
After getting the taste of that feeling in my mouth again I couldn't help but think "I need to get The Morning Show going again, now more then ever." So I asked a few of my best friends for some solid advice and I got it. So I called Liam up and laid it on the line and for the first time in a long time Liam rose to the occasion and he showed up the next day.
And we recorded... and I realized... it was gone. The flame I had for the show Liam and I made had gone out long ago. The same show I fought tooth and nail to bring back was gone. In those five months of trying it just died. I've done my mourning and now it's time to move on.
Liam and I are going to get together to record the show one last time. We're going to make the last two shows so it all wraps up on twenty. But after that it's all ending for real this time.
So there it is folks, it's not pretty, but it's the truth. There's just no morning show left in me... from here on out I'm not totally sure what I'm going to do next.
I auditioned for a part in a few flash cartoons. And I got them so that will keep me happy for a while. I'm also going to keep doing the Wiiport, but I don't want to turn that into a chore. I just want that to stay a hobby so there won't be weekly updates there will be "whenever it happends" updates.
But that still isn't what I want to put all my energy into... I really just want to do the same thing I've wanted to do on the internet ever since I first got here. Deep down I've always just wanted to be a part of Snipe-Hunt Media. That place is a home to me, and the people are family. It's where I got my start, it's where I was given my name, I just really still want to be a part of that. How will I be useful? Fuck I don't know, but I'm going to try. I think my first step should be getting Prof that Wacom table, maybe that will start something shit going.
Anyways that's the whole story, if have any questions about what will be happening to the site and such just leave a comment below, and I'll answer.
In closing, cheers to taking one step forward and two back. Here I am all over again, lets see how it goes this time.