Roger Williams, You Are Too Pedantic!

Nov 07, 2005 22:29

While sitting here in a feeble attempt to carry out long put off duties, I came across the kitchen and all of its little delights. Behold, I see six individual cups of Swiss Miss pudding, ignored and pushed behind various condiments and juices. I thought to myself, "Self, don't you remember when you were a child and when you would go to the grocery store with your mom? You would have given your right arm for pudding cups!" It also became fresh in my mind the many trips to Grandma's house or a friend's place and the opening of a new refrigerator with a menu quite different than that of your house. It was like part of the experience of staying the night somewhere else. What was that new refrigerator going to have that yours didn't? What treasures were stored up in the cupboard? Gushers! Pop Tarts! Frozen Death Pizza Bites! I now open my refrigerator and I hardly even notice the pudding or the things I had always wanted when I was younger.

Well, you know what? I just got that pudding and it was good.

Everything above is what instantly came to mind.

Back to work....


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