Katie Logan makes me angry in a "I wish I was at your face so I could luagh in it" sort of way.

Apr 23, 2004 21:33

Guys, I know it's super long. But it's worth it.

Sislog: i gots a boyfriend
TheAryanJew: hoo?
Sislog: taylor waterfield
TheAryanJew: ewww, I'm sorry.
Sislog: i dont think u know him
Sislog: wait how do u know him?
TheAryanJew: Oh, I know him.
TheAryanJew: He used to ride my bus.
Sislog: u r mean
Sislog: dont talk about him like eww u dont know him
Sislog: hes the shiz u crack whore
TheAryanJew: okk
TheAryanJew: never say I love you unless you mean to stick by it...

TheAryanJew: Thats lame. I'm sorry but. it is.
Sislog: ok u know what caity, kiss my ass u r majorly pissing me off, who made u quenn of all coolness? i sure as hell dont care about ur opinion
TheAryanJew: What the hell is up your butt?
Sislog: u r damnit, u r being such a bitch
TheAryanJew: How am I beign a bitch?
Sislog: u have been criticizing my life since who knows when, and ur opinion sux because i couldnt care less about it, so y dont u just keep ur thoughts to urself and stop trying to be such a super shit face
TheAryanJew: Fuck, why do you have to be so mean? I'm sorry I criticized your life, which you do all the time to me. And as for my opinion, I could be like a 6 year old and say "Yours sucks, too" but I won't. I'm not trying to be a super shit face, I'm sorry if I come off that way.
sIsLoG: oh so now i'm a 6 year old?!
sIsLoG: well u know what, at least i'm a 6 year old with hickey-less boobs
TheAryanJew: No, I would be like a 6 year old if I were to say your opinion sucks, too.
TheAryanJew: Not you.
sIsLoG: stop trying to sounds all high and mighty u hoefer
TheAryanJew: s
TheAryanJew: Stop being all ghetto fabulous and "clever" with your insults.
sIsLoG: how the hell am i ghetto fabulous? i live in a fucking resort, i have less ghetto in my pinky finger than brittney spears.. jesus
TheAryanJew: Forget it...I can see this is going no where.
sIsLoG: o i think this is going somewhere
TheAryanJew: That was ghetto fabulous.
TheAryanJew: That was motherfucking ghetto.
sIsLoG: it takes a ghetto girl to know one
TheAryanJew: Your harsh words burn like salt in a wound.
sIsLoG: ur sarcasm makes me want to blow chunks out my left ear
TheAryanJew: Ok, this is immature as hell.
Sislog: thats y it is so fun
TheAryanJew: Errr.
Sislog: well i think the only reason u r calling it immature is because u think u r better than u r
TheAryanJew: I think lower of myslef than anyone I know, so that last bit was a pretty stupid.
Sislog: and the reason u think that is becuase u have ur cool vintage clothing and ur cute fucking little buttons, and ur little sarcastic attitude, but really u'll be sorry because all of ur temporary popularity will end when u r one of those stupid ass bitches who is pregnant in the 8th grade
TheAryanJew: "Temporary Popularity"? Thats cool, I'm popular now. Because thats all that matters in my materialistic world. And I'm sick and fucking tired of people calling me a whore or saying I'm gonna be preganant! For fucks sake, I haven't gone near as far as most of the hos at our school! And I'm sorry if my vintage clothing offends you. It's cheap and it looks cool. I'm sorry I can't spend 50 dollars ona T-Shirt. My buttons: What the fuck relavency do they have? And as for my sarcastic attitude, it's just there. I can't help it.
Sislog: well i think u need a serious wake up call because u cant go around stating ur opinion like everyone cares about it, and u cant expect everyone to think u rcool, becuase most ppl get fed up with ur sarcastic tendencies, i even did and i am one of the most tolerable ppl on the whole damn planet, i dont get mad at stupid stuff like bad attitudes, but urs just takes the cake
Sislog: and i think u need to tone it down some because if u dont then u'll be in for some hard knocks along the road
TheAryanJew: Your one of the most tolerable people on the whole damn planet? I'm not going to devel into how wrong that is. And people who are actually my friends, who know me well, know of my non-sarcastic side. Which is more prestent than the snakry sarcastic-Caity. And as for bad attitudes your the one who picked a fight with me, excuse the term if you don't see it fitting. I don't think I'm going to take advice about my future and personality from someone who spent the past half hour denouncing my looks, personality, and over-all life. I'm not going to spend a nother half hour being bitchy and criticizing you like you did to me. So, if there is anymore stuff about me that you want to skew and twist to make it horrible, go ahead and do it now. I'm getting bored withhearing your "Your stupid" remarks.
Sislog: u r such a bitch caity...damn how can u always be such a wise ass? its as if u never give in
TheAryanJew: I never give in becuase your stupid remarks aren't worth it.
Sislog: my remarks are in no way stupid, i have a lot of wit and almost everything i say is a demonstration of my great intelligence
TheAryanJew: I'm a bitch!? Once again, your the on that picked a fight over god knos what.
TheAryanJew: Of course, who am I to say question your intelligence? Infact who am I to be worthy of talking to you?
Sislog: oh fuck that, u know thats not what i meant, u know i dont have an ego all i was saying is that u cant call what i say stupiid, becuase it isnt, and most of it is true and i think u know it
TheAryanJew: What part if that is true?! Excpet maybe the fact that that I'm too sacrastic and that I'm a wise ass.
Sislog: these converstaion is so freakin long, i can't believe u r gonna make me read all of it to find things u havent stated.
Sislog: *this
TheAryanJew: I don't expect you to.
Sislog: i guess it is kind of pointless to keep emphasizing my point.. but at least think about the reason i started this fight in the first place
TheAryanJew: Because you hate my opinion? Or because I "criticize" your entire life?
Sislog: both!
TheAryanJew: Oh, ok.
Sislog: whats with the parintheses?
Sislog: that makes it all seem so un-important in ur "posh" little life
TheAryanJew: It's a quoutation mark, and it's because I don't think I criticize your life more than you do mine.
Sislog: maybe not now
Sislog: i needed to catch up
Sislog: so i did.
TheAryanJew: Ok. This is getting tired. I'm done.
Sislog: i think u r surrenduring becuase u know u can never beat the master
TheAryanJew: Fuck! I never went out and pointed out your every shortcoming and then make up shit too!
TheAryanJew: That's it exactly.
Sislog: what did i make up?
TheAryanJew: About me getting preganant in 8th garde, the only remark which actually made me feel bad, and how my "temporary popularity", whitch I don't have, will end when I do the former.
Sislog: well i think that eventually ppl will find u un-interesting, but probably not until u r very old and blind and have no larynx
Sislog: that when the popularity will go away
Sislog: and maybe u wont be pregnant in 8th grade
Sislog: u might wait till 10th
TheAryanJew: I hope to God I'm not hanging out with the same people whenI have no larinyx.
TheAryanJew: Thats mean. I
TheAryanJew: I'm not a whore, I'm not going to have sex in the fucking 8th grade.
Sislog: well jeeze i said 10th the 2nd time
TheAryanJew: Fuck you. I'm done with this.
Sislog: works for me.. i've run out of clever little insults
Sislog: i havent spent enough time with u to truley grasp the reason my hatred towards u is so deep


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