From: Antares
Date: Nov 1, 2007 12:03 AM
Subject: ADOI! Not ANOTHER blog!
Yes... I just launched a new blog for my first book *ADOI!* <
http://adoi- means-ouch. blogspot. com/> (published in 1989 and now out of print). Friends have bugged me over the years to update and reissue the title but it's too much hassle to do 3D printing and distribution, so I've opted to digitize the entire book, chapter by chapter.
I'm doing it back to front so when the process is done the blog will read in proper sequence. I'm scanning and retyping each chapter - making minor improvements along the way - and every week there'll be a few new chapters online.
If you already own an original edition of *ADOI! *this is a neat way to share the book with others. Just send them this link!
http://adoi- means-ouch. blogspot. com - (comments are more than welcome :-)
Soon I'll also have a link whereby anyone who wants a properly bound hard copy of the book can order a POD edition from <
http://lulu. com/>(for a small fee)! Those who refuse to pay are welcome to print out each chapter manually and collate and bind the pages themselves :-)
HAPPY HALLOWEEN (whatever that means!)...
Magick River
44000 Kuala Kubu Baru
Tel: 603) 60.643.643
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http://magickriver. blogspot. com
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