Today is a tottaly different day than yesterday. Today I woke up a few hours earlier than yesterday. And one chunk at a time I am going to get back up to speed. Or maybe I'm already there and I am just down on myself. Either way, I feel pretty motivated right now. I have class from 1:00 untill 5:15 and I think its going to be a good day. I have absolutely zero funds at the moment and I need to buy books. But I am expecting some support to come in the mail in a day or two. I need to wash my clothes and do a little cleaning. My room's not that bad but I am just going to organize it a bit more. I hope that today you are encouraged by the fact that you are upheld by the grace of God. Not necessarily the grace that comes from the atoning work of Christ but the common grace that sustains the fallen universe and keeps you and I from being our worst. We all deserve that tsunami and the fact that we are breathing and living and are part of an organized sociaty that isn't in complete chaos is purely by the grace of God and for His glory. That is why we exist. You and I are not here to find purpose for our lives or fulfill any desire that stems from us but we are here to glorify God and somehow everything that happens, the good, the bad, the evil, the great and the humble things and events in this world are all ordered by God and work for the good of His elect to the praise of His glorious grace and thus ultimately for His glory. Some people might look at this picture and ask how could God be so cruel as to let thousands of people die in such a national disaster as the tsunami. I ask how He could have let them live as long as He did. the answer is common grace. They deserved death and you and I deserve it just as much. So be thankfull for every breath and take heed because the kingdom of God is here so repent and believe the gospel. The gospel is the simple fact that Jesus of Nazereth, who is the Son of God, a couple thousand years ago was incarnated as a human being, a Jew to be specific. He came in a perfect body not tainted by sin. Sin is a condition, the sick condition of the whole world and it can also refer to specific transgreations of God's law. The heart of God's law can be found in the ten commandments which are in the Penteteuch. The Penteteuch is the first five books of the Bible and the Bible can be found in just about any bookstore or online
here. Romans(another book in the Bible) says that all people everywhere have sinned and fallen short of God's glory and that the punishment due for sin is death. But with His own glory in mind God had compassion and sent His son to the world to be a substitute for the death that you and I were to recieve. By being a perfect person not tainted by sin, Jesus was able to atone for them by the merit of His works since our works are not good enough and you and I could never obey the law of God. So if you believe this and repent of your sin, then God will save you. If you have broken God's law, then call out to Him and He might here you and grant you the ability to repent. Pray that He does because His wrath for Sinners is great. All the glory goes to God.