(no subject)

Aug 30, 2006 09:38

So, I'm reading my friends page and everyone else has a back to school entry, so I think I'll jump on the bandwagon. ::jumps on the bandwagon:: Here we are.

So I'm glad to be back. It's nice not having to go into Best Buy everyday for 8 hours each day. It's nice to see all my friends again, but I feel old. I'm a freakin senior. That's so crazy. I MADE IT INTO ORCHESTRA!!! I don't know how, but miraculously, I did. I practiced on Thursday for an hour, Friday for an hour, took Saturday off, Sunday for an hour, and Monday for like a half hour before IPO's. So for a total of 3.5 hours of playing, I think placing 3rd out of the whole studio ain't that bad. I really gotta start buckling down and practicing. I'm a senior, there's no reason for me to not be responsible enough to practice. And, for whatever reason, I sound really good.

There was a party on Monday. Holy crapload of people for the night before classes. So many people showed up that I didn't know. It was pretty cool.

So I can't wait for Phi Mu Alpha to start up. Seeing all the brothers again should be nice, and most of all, starting as VP will be pretty awesome. Hopefully I'll be the one trying to keep Nathan sane. He can get a little crazy sometimes, but after our meeting with Dr. Weinswig, this year should turn out pretty awesome.

Here's to an awesome year!
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