Mar 24, 2008 15:58
If you found a magic wand, what would be the first 25 things that you would do with it? In no particular order...
1. Use it to instantly appear wherever my Evi was at that moment, instead of having to take stupid planes.
2. Magically give Jared all the candy in the world.
3. Have Bisou play fetch with it.
4. See if occulus repairo actually worked on my broken sunglasses.
5. Pull a rabbit out of a hat.
6. Cookies. Cookies. Cookies. An unending supply of them.
7. Starbucks all the time.
8. I already have my dream house, maybe now I just need my dream car.
9. Magically my updates appear, without me having to write them first.
10. Visit the moon in my very own spaceship.
11. Have Rachael Ray as my personal chef every day. That lady makes the best food ever.
12. Make the ultimate grill appear on my deck.
13. Paints, of every different hue at my disposal, all the time.
14. Use it to comment to all the entries on the friends page so I wouldn't fail at this comment war thing. :[
15. Instantly make myself know how to surf.
16. Make next year get here faster so I can finally see how bad ass The Watchmen turned out.
17. Seattle is now the center of the Universe.
18. Use it to make Shonda Rhimes see the error of her ways and bring Denny back to life.
19. Same as above except it involves kidnapping Eric Kripke.
20. Put a movie theater in my house.
21. Make my Irish accent not sound so atrocious in PS I Love You.
22. Create the world's comfiest hammock for the back yard.
23. Learn to fly on a broom. Does a wand help with that?
24. Recover all those socks I lost in the dryer.
25. See if I could get into Hogwarts with my newly found magical powers.