Jan 09, 2006 23:18
Hmm.... Maybe I should update this thing more often. If only things happend to write about. Oh wait, something did happen!
I started my first semester at Wallace today. If you read my last post, you knew that I wanted to sign up for English 101 but they wouldn't let me, so instead I signed up for Earth Science. Anyway, I think the class will be ok. We had a little practice test today, and I got almost all the answers write (haha, write...) The hardest part was actually understanding the professor, because he has a thick southern accent and slurs his words together kind of like me. But he seemed nice enough, and at least he keeps the class interesting by making jokes and such. The class should be ok, but the students are another story...
Most students are probably a little older than me, but I'm horrible with age so I'm not entirely sure. However, these are some of the most ignorant students I have ever seen. Nothing like I'm used to :( Here are some classics: About 1/4 of the class thought the sun revolved around the earth. About 4-5 people out of the 25 or so in the class didn't know directions (north, east, south, west). A few couldn't name the countries to the north and south of the United States, and apparently some from a previous semester actually thought Iraq was on the south border of the US. 3/4 of the class had absolutely no idea and couldn't even guess when the dinosaurs became extinct. Almost no one knew how old the earth was (either scientifically or biblically, which is beyond sad. I mean, whether you follow science or the bible, you shouldn't guess "1 million years old" at all). About 1/4 didn't know where the sun rose each morning (you know, those "direction" things that no one knew about). Most couldn't name the planets in order from the sun. And on that same note, they didn't know what a pneumonic device was to help them remember the planets ("You know, those things like Stop Drop and Roll"... umm, yeah.) Oh yeah, it's gonna be an interesting semester.
I guess the one positive thing about this whole school experience was meeting Scott. I talked to him a bit before class and after class, and he seems nice. He's from Montana. There was this other guy too, but I didn't get his name.
The first thing we are going to learn about in class is latitude and longitude. I can't wait to see how many people have at least heard about those before :(
In unrelated news, Marcus Vick, the former quarterback for Virginia Tech was kicked off the football team permanently after a series of legal and ethical violations. Then a few days after that he was arrested for threatening some teenagers with a gun at McDonald's. Oh yeah, he's NFL material all right.
QOTD (from an article about Vick):
And if he finds it necessary to pack heat to pick up a Happy Meal, there’s something seriously wrong with him.