Aug 29, 2009 01:05
In the past month your office has failed to do its job correctly in any and every way and caused me to begin to loathe you people and everything you stand for. Let's review all the problems you've caused, shall we?
1) I left my stuff in my room for two weeks because my roommate volunteered to watch over all of it while I was out of town. When I was 350 miles away from campus you sent me an email saying I had twenty-four hours to get all of my things out of there or it would be thrown out. No other warning, less than a day's notice by the time I'd gotten it, and no thought given whatsoever to the fact that my roommate had volunteered what was now his room as storage space. You didn't even tell him that you were moving another person in. He's living there, he might have wanted to know that? Top it all off with the fact that the new person didn't care that my stuff was there either and you had me going out of my way to fix something that didn't need to be fixed.
2) We get here and there is an extra bed in our new dorm room. It is taking up space. It is keeping us from moving everything in adequately. You have had two damn weeks to get that bed out of there -- the people who had lived in the room in summer sent you a notice --- and you just can't be bothered. I have called you twice and still nothing.
3) When I called, and later went by, your office, your work force was inefficient, lazy and they didn't seem to have been trained properly either. You hadn't even recalibrated my ID card to open the new dorm hall; I had to go and do that myself at the Welcome Center across campus. You also have not fixed my Meal Plan and I can't buy any food without spending money that I don't have.
4) Ants. There are fucking ants in the food we just bought. All the stuff we bought for the new room - to bake, to cook, to even eat on the go - all of it is ruined because your people didn't think to ask Facilities to plug up the convenient little hole in the wall that said ants are all entering through. Somebody is going to fucking pay for this. And it won't be cheap.
5) When I approach you people, at least pretend that you give a flying fuck about these problems that you have caused. Because right now I am seriously considering moving off campus just to get away from dealing with your office alone.