Conclusion and Beginnings

Jan 24, 2009 19:19

The conclusion of the "happiness meme":  (I liked this thing.  Maybe I'll do it again.)  On Friday, I had no class!  Only two hours of work.  If this keeps up, I'll basically have a three-day weekend all semester. Woot!

Anyhow, you know how I do this thing where if I like something, I don't just like it; I get obsessed with it?  Yeah.  I think that's happening right now with Doctor Who.  I've only seen a few episodes, but "Blink" was utterly amazing and the only way the series could've gotten more awesome was if they had a werewolf at one point, WHICH THEY DID, so now I'm basically like "DO WANT."  Plus Torchwood sounds utterly amazing and Jack is awesome.  So yeah ... I'm pretty much a goner now.  Took me long enough to get into it, geez, but now that I'm in there's no going back.

On an almost completely unrelated subject, devilwearsjeans asked me to blog out of my comfort zone and talk about "canon pairings vs. crack pairings."  To be honest, I don't read much crack!fic, because most of it is written in a style that doesn't appeal to me.  In the ones I've found, the authors come across as trying just too dang hard, and they end up being so over-the-top and random that it basically becomes "OMG CHEEZE!!1!1."  HOWever, it's not like I'm a stranger to supporting pairings that aren't canon.  I mean, heck, at one point I became so used to looking for subtext that wasn't there, that I thought Elle and Claire had a total lesbian thing going on in "Heroes", and I didn't even want them to get together.  (THAT, I think, is a total crack pairing.)  So it is amusing to read about chacters that were paired together just for the sake of a funny story?  I suppose.  Although I'm more into the serious!fic with non-canon pairings, myself.

Hope that answered your question, Jeannie.  I'll cover your other topic in the next post. ;)

Speaking of which, I will probably be online less frequently in the coming months, as the Multimedia program is gearing up to shoot our two films - first is one my friend is directing, which will be on all weekends in February. I'll be helping out on the set with that. Then there's the film I wrote and am now directing, which starts in the middle of February (two shoots at once! The insanity!) and continues on to the end of March. I really hope it doesn't get pushed back any farther than that, because right about then is when the really vigorous rehearsals for "Into the Woods" will kick in, and I'll basically get pulled in all directions. And there will still be choir stuff, too, so ... yeah. It will be a busy time.

I went back to work at Media Services on Thursday - under the new schedule I work nine to eleven every morning of the week. I also filmed a teachers' meeting this morning so that they could post it on the website for people who couldn't make it.  (It surprises me how much all of the teachers here have embraced the new technology - most of the meeting was about "going green" and making classes paperless, doing everything on the internet instead.)  Conferences & Events hasn't needed me yet, but that's just fine by me.  Although my roommates and I have all pledged to do some working out this semester, so hopefully the whole manual labor thing will get a little easier.  But I doubt it.

This post made me realize just how insane my thousand-words-a-day pledge is ... but dammit, I'm not giving it up!

more, happiness, useless info, school, work, meme, doctor who, crack

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